2 tips to learn to read Tarot cards

Learning to read Tarot cards it can often be quite a challenging task for the beginner. There are so many different books and so many different meanings of each card that it becomes quite a daunting task to figure out which card means which!

Before we start making this task simpler and more straightforward, let me explain why there are so many meanings for a single card. Each Tarot card reader brings to his reading the wealth of life experience that he has gained over time. This experience and view of the world brings a unique perspective to reading. Therefore, when they look at each card and perceive the meaning, it is presented differently to another Tarot card reader.

But, if we understand the basic meaning of the card, these derivations are simply creative methods of looking at the same image from another angle, a personal angle that creates a distinctive interpretation. As with any process, this happens with a generous dose of hands-on experience. You have to keep an open mind and read the letters of as many different people as you can, and one day, you will realize that a transition has happened without you realizing it!

In the meantime, to guide you along the way, here are some helpful tips for learning to read Tarot cards. For this, you will need a notebook and a pen/pencil, and of course, your deck of Tarot cards!

1. Let your mind go completely blank.. Then, take the card in your hand and look at the image. And immediately write down the first impressions of her – include as many thoughts and feelings as you like. What you are doing is just going with your instincts and writing down the feelings and ideas that pop into your head when you see a particular image. Keep doing this with all the cards in the deck. Be as creative and expressive as you can. After you’ve done this, compare what you’ve written with the interpretations in the Little White Book (or LWB, as the Tarot community refers to them) or the companion book that comes with the deck. Underline the similar interpretations.

2. Keep a journal of the readings you do for yourself. Be sure to put the date at the top of the page and record your thoughts/feelings/insights about each card. Keep doing it. After about 10 readings, go back to the first five readings (or more) and see if your interpretations were correct or not. If they were right, pat yourself on the back and put a smiley face next to it. If they were off, see what card they were talking about and think about what really happened – examine where your interpretation went wrong. This is a great practical method for learning to read Tarot cards.

With these tips, you should be on your way to learning how to read Tarot cards in a more fun and exploratory way. To increase your knowledge, if you want to know more different meanings of the various Tarot cards, please visit my website and subscribe to my free e-newsletter.

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