Mystical moment in the bathroom

Every day I proclaim myself my mission in life. Sometimes I do this while walking. Other times I am in deep meditation, and today I was sitting on the toilet and had an “aha” moment as I declared my mission. Quite unexpectedly, I realized that I had been wrong. I have been saying for many years: “The peace of God is my only goal, the goal of my whole life here, the end I seek, my purpose and my role and my life.” While this is a very noble life purpose, I often feel like I’m falling short. As I was sitting in my bathroom, I suddenly realized an energy of love filling my heart and a small voice, perhaps the voice of God, saying: “As long as you seek peace, it will always elude you. Just be love and know that love is acceptance and love is enough. “

I expanded my mind to fully obtain the true meaning of this mystical message received in a worldly place. I pondered the idea that maybe if I changed my goal in life to “just be love” and didn’t worry so much about being at peace, then I would be less trapped in my inner world and more available to the outside world. I reflected very softly on the feelings of failure I endure while looking uncomfortable when something happens that I don’t want or like. Feeling frustrated, then I end up with a sense of disappointment in myself for losing my inner satisfaction and not completing my life’s mission of feeling God’s peace. I also become less effective in helping another person along life’s journey because my self-esteem plummets and I withdraw.

On the other hand, if I focus on being love, then I embody an inherent sense of worth and worth. I remember that I am enough and that love is in my essence. With this truth, I can live my highest aspirations. The key to being love is simply loving what life brings, without having to judge what it is. My goal in the past has been to be at peace and not be affected by the circumstances around me. Now, I see that I can experience a host of other emotions like fear, frustration and anger and not have to feel like a failure in life. These emotions are superficial and do not change the inherent nature of me. In fact, the contrast of moving from fear to love motivates me to delve deeper into the place where I remember and know that I am love. Love reminds me that I am acceptable exactly as I am and so is life.

So my new mission statement is “God’s love is my only goal, my whole life goal here, the end I seek, my purpose and my role and my life.” And for today, remembering that love is deep in my heart rather than trying to be at peace helps me accept even the seemingly unpleasant parts of myself and my life. I am more capable of being a loving participant in life. As I return to my true love nature, I am happy to be more successful in fulfilling my new life mission.

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