2 different ways to stifle your dog’s annoying barking and give your ears some peace and quiet

So your dog is a bit loud, right? Well believe me, I’ve been there. I have a black lab that used to bark at almost anything and everything. It used to be so bad that I ended up having a hard time sleeping some nights. I finally found a way to teach Chester to stop barking, and I think I can help you do the same with your dog.

The first thing you’ll want to try is to tap your dog’s nose each time he barks. Then look them in the eye and say “No” while shaking your head. This is the simplest way to try to teach your dog to stop barking, and it is not always the most effective method. However, in some cases, the dog will begin to understand that he is doing something wrong when he barks for the sake of barking, and he may eventually start to see some improvement.

The next thing to try is to use a command that your dog is already familiar with. For example, if you’ve already taught your dog to “stay,” then you already have a pretty decent tool at your disposal to stop it from barking.

Therefore, whenever your dog barks for no reason, simply use a command that you have already taught him, in this case it is “Stay”, and his attention should be immediately drawn to your command.

These two tips really helped me train my dogs to stop annoying barking. They are not a cure for everyone, and you will probably have to combine these two tactics with a bark control product of some kind. However, in some cases (though very few), your dog may respond exceptionally well to just these two methods.

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