3 Effective Ways to Say Goodbye to Your Migraine Headache

Most people simply take a pain pill at the first sign of a migraine, and for some migraine sufferers this works well for now. Unfortunately, the more pain relievers you take, the greater your chance of becoming sensitized to the medications you are taking. After a while, the pain relievers may actually be causing the headaches instead of relieving them. If you are living with migraines, it may be time you tried a natural approach to relief. They are generally safer than drugs and can often give better results than even the strongest prescription drugs.

There are two types of natural treatments that can help with migraines. Both of these treatment methods will be designed to prevent the migraine from occurring in the first place or to relieve the pain of a migraine attack that has already started. The three treatments we will be discussing are in the category of helping to relieve an acute attack, but are not used for prevention.

1. Acupressure

There are many areas that can be used as acupressure points for migraine headache relief. Using acupressure requires you to press your thumbs or the pads of your first two fingers into an area with firm but gentle pressure. Keep the pressure constant for at least 30 seconds, but not more than 60 seconds. Applying pressure to the following points can often relieve migraine pain very quickly.

There are two points, one on the left and one on the right, just below the base of the skull, an inch or two from the center of the neck. Apply pressure as described above to these two points.

Another point is located between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Squeeze the meaty point between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand for about 30 seconds, and then repeat the action with the other hand. Again, this can often reduce pain almost immediately.

2. Heat and ice

Since migraine headaches develop when the blood vessels surrounding the brain become enlarged and dilated, it makes sense that decreasing the size of these blood vessels would relieve pain. There are two good ways to achieve this feat. It can decrease the amount of blood going to the head or divert blood away from the head.

Placing an ice pack on the back of the neck at the base of the skull can do wonders to limit blood flow to the head. With less blood flow to the vessels in the brain, they will begin to constrict instead of dilate, thereby relieving pain. It is necessary to leave the ice pack on for at least twenty minutes, but preferably thirty minutes, for optimal results.

The diversion of blood from the head is achieved by heating the body elsewhere. Sometimes it can be as simple as placing your feet in warm water. However, the best approach is to get into a nice warm bath. This will dilate the blood vessels in your body, causing more blood to move to that area instead of your head. For best results, you can place an ice pack on the back of your neck while in the tub. This will give you twice the effect of simply using one of the techniques.

3. Relaxation techniques

One of the most common approaches to relieving migraine pain is to simply lie down in a quiet, dark room. Bright lights and loud noises can increase the intensity of a migraine attack, so lying down in a quiet, dark room can reduce pain and sometimes even stop it altogether. A classic symptom of migraine is that the pain increases when doing any strenuous work or exercise. Relaxing in the way described will help you calm down and lessen your pain.

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