Allergies – Powerful Natural Remedies Revealed

There is a common practice today, among many doctors, to mark anything they cannot successfully diagnose, “allergy”. The reason for this is that so little is known about allergies that the diagnosis leaves a lot of room for discussion and explanation. “Indefinite” diagnoses have always been favored by the least responsible physicians. Two hundred years ago, a condition that couldn’t be diagnosed was called “bad mood,” and anyone suffering from anything from stomach aches to cancer to gallstones was said to be in a bad mood. This was followed by the “acids” theory, where strange and mysterious acids were responsible for all undiagnosed conditions.

This is not to say that allergies do not exist. Certainly there is a strange group of bodily reactions that has been given the title of allergy. Specifically, there are two groups of this type: those that are located on the surface of the body, from the face to the feet, or skin allergies; and those that inhabit the chest, throat and nasal areas, or respiratory allergies. These two groups include most allergic reactions.

In the respiratory group would be conditions as common as hay fever, asthma, sinusitis, etc. These conditions focus on the respiratory system, but some (particularly hay fever and sinus conditions) tend to spread to other areas, such as the eyes, which can become watery, red, and swollen under severe attack. There is good reason to believe that these particular allergies are related to vitamin C deficiency. Low-strength (natural) vitamin C pills have been shown to be helpful in treating such allergies, as has B complex.

Skin allergies, hives and hives, for example, are related to some degree to a condition of excess acidity in the body. This is not to be confused with the “mystery acids” of a hundred years ago, which were conveniently blamed for most diseases. The acids I am talking about are produced within the body and are consumed on a daily basis in the daily diet. The rational diet, with its balanced intake and in a natural way, will not support a hyperacid condition. To overcome this condition when it already exists in the body, it is necessary to completely cleanse the system.

Herbal laxative pills (1-2 a day for three days); mild enemas (1 a day, for a week) and the Return to Nature diet will provide the complete broom that a hyperacid condition demands. The recommendation involved daily natural baths with special emphasis on the affected area. Pressure baths (showering) over the affected area and gentle rubbing (not too fast) after bathing were effective. Where the skin was particularly dry, a few drops of olive oil were applied.

Patients with skin allergies were advised to soften the water used for bathing with a cup of starch. Baking soda should never be used to soften water for sensitive skin, as it is an alkali and will have a drying and destructive effect over time.

Dry skin should not be bathed too often or for long periods of time. Baths should be quick affairs and olive oil can help alleviate defatting from the skin. Air baths should be given frequently as a substitute for the daily water baths that you may miss.

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