An overview of the concept behind RSS feeds

RSS Feeds stands for Really Simple Syndication. Other times it is also called Rich Site Summary. But both have the same meanings. The first time you see this, it may seem complex. But as you go on your information gathering adventure in the cyber world, you will come across this many times. Have you ever tried to click one?

Click and you will receive

You can compare RSS to a website or blog that gives web surfers something to read, or a news source with a wealth of information. Everyone can choose to add the information they want for free to their own newsreader. It can also be displayed on your PC desktop or in the web browser you are using.

So if you’ve clicked on the information provider of your choice, you’ll be given the news as it comes in, so you no longer have to check the site again for updates. This made things easier for web users, especially those who liked to subscribe to their chosen site’s newsletters. Eliminate the hassle of checking your email every day just to find out if there are any updates on your favorite site.

The concept behind it can be likened to how you want to get your newspapers. You can’t afford to go to a stall every day just to buy one. It will be easier if you get your journals every day. By clicking on the RSS function of the site of your choice, the news will be available on your PC desktop as long as you are connected to the Internet. All that information could be read or ignored, ready to be shared and printed.

It’s easy to use. As long as you have a connection and a web browser, you’re good to go. You can filter the information and click on the topics that you find interesting. You can customize your choice and remove or add something every day. It’s that easy. You will get all the information you want on a daily basis without having to go through all the individual web pages.

trivia time

Did you know that RSS was invented by Netscape? They used it at the time when they were struggling to get into the portal business. They wanted RSS.90, an XML format, that would make it easy to collect news and add news to their site. After a while, they came up with RSS.91, but discontinued it when they didn’t continue the portal business.

This is where UserLand Software picked it up. They did not stop developing the idea. They had versions like .92, .93 and .94. They then developed their own interpretation of the original idea via RSS 1.0. This is still being developed and lately they have RSS 2.0.

Source of information

You can also use RSS on your own website. But instead of manually updating the feature, you can choose to use a tool like Weblog. This will automatically create the headlines, links, and descriptions.

In this day and age, information is vast and scattered all over the web. And as the days go by, it becomes easier for people to choose the type of information they want to receive when they need it. Thanks to the constantly developing concept of RSS Feeds.

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