ask for the moon and get it

Tidying up my bookshelf recently I found an old book with loose pages that were turning brown. Evidently a book that I had kept for years although I don’t remember buying it. I decided that if I had kept it that long I would read it again, it had to be worth it!

The book was by Percy Ross, a philanthropist and millionaire, who started his life in an extremely poor family. In fact, at the age of 6, he had to help the family economy by selling eggs to his neighbors. At this young age he built his own round of eggs. His dad told him to give away an extra egg from time to time. This unusual gift kept his clients engaged and he used it as a lesson for years to come.

As a child he was desperate for a bicycle, which his parents couldn’t afford and he envied every sign of luxury he saw and decided that one day he would be a millionaire and help others.

It’s a fascinating book where you find out how he went from rags to riches through hard work and some sexy tactics. Then he put his secrets, his 10 rules to ask, what he had achieved so much for him, in this book so that you too can achieve what you want.

Fascinated by his stories, I googled Percy Ross and found that he died in 2001 at the age of 84, but two years earlier he had closed his newspaper columns where people could write whatever they wanted, he closed them with a note saying it said: her bag was empty now, but how she had enjoyed helping everyone. He gave away 30 million in his lifetime. In the book that he wrote at seventy he swore before he died that he would give every penny.

He must have been a wonderful man to have met. This is a book worth reading if you can get your hands on a copy.

His advice could help you get a business loan, like you did through thick and thin, or help you through any situation. So if you want to improve your life, this is a book that could help you.

At the end of the book he explains how to decide exactly what you want, how to be specific in your requests and decide exactly what you want in all areas of your life, how to prioritize, and how to ask exactly to achieve your dreams. His thoughts were that if you ask the right way you can achieve almost anything.

Book Review: “Ask for the Moon and Get It” by Percy Ross with Dick Samson.

Other great books to read:

“Stop worrying and start living” by Dale Carnegie.

“Feel the fear and do it anyway” by Susan Jeffers.

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

“The Giant Within” by Anthony Robins.

“Use Your Head” by Tony Buzan.

Maxwell’s “Psycho-Cybernetics 2000” malt Bobbie Sommer Foundation

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