Bioptron light therapy


Bioptron Light Therapy is a medical phototherapy system with full medical approval from the EU and is used with great success in various hospitals and clinics around the world for healing. Bioptron uses the full color spectrum of natural daylight (without ultraviolet rays). All UVB and UVA rays are filtered out. Bioptron is completely safe and has no side effects. Not to be confused with the light boxes that are commonly used for the treatment of SAD, it is a completely different treatment.


Extensive research has shown that light in this form provides a strong and direct stimulus for regenerative processes. Because there is no UV emission of light, the skin does not tan or burn during treatment.

Bioptron’s light is not considered a “healer” in its own right, but rather a trigger and regulator of biological processes that help the body regenerate, rebalance, and thus heal itself.

In the same way that different vitamins and minerals have different effects on the body, so do each of the wavelengths of light. Human beings need a wide range of frequencies for physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Bioptron phototherapy has a proven medical history of over 20 years and ranks as one of the leading treatments in Europe for burns, wound healing, skin problems and in the treatment of sports injuries.

The human body is completely made up of cells. The light emitted by the Bioptron lamp exerts a direct influence on weakened tissue and blood cells. It uses an aspect of light that is similar to part of the spectrum produced by the sun and therefore uses natural processes as part of the healing.

Biopron light is polarized light. This means that its waves move in parallel planes. Bioptron uses a light polarization system that helps regulate cell membrane activity. We now know that our immune system is boosted by polarized light in a process known as photomodulation (biological stimulation of tissues and blood cells).

Because sunlight is so important to the human body, we can also use it for healing. When we are deprived of sunlight, the effect on the body can be amazing. A lack of natural light can cause illness, as can a lack of healthy food, fresh air, and clean water.


Bioptron light therapy has been used successfully to treat the following:

Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Cosmetic uses such as wrinkles, fine lines, skin tone, and scar reduction.

Pain relief such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, etc.

burns and scalds

Bad circulation

Leg ulcers, pressure ulcers and diabetic foot

Sinusitis and blocked airways

Sports injuries and soft tissue injuries and physical therapy

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