Dalet is connected with the number four

The letter Dalet is connected with the number four. It is the fourth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet therefore its numerical value is four. There are many things that represent the number four and one of them is the four seasons. We have spring, summer, fall and winter just to show you the power of four and how it’s grounded, that it’s something solid and something that has a great foundation.

Another is the four directions. North, south, east and west, there could be many other directions, but there are four main directions that the thing of the Father. The four elements! Air, Fire, Earth and Water, why would there be four and not five or 10 or 12? It is because everything is connected to the letter Dalet.

The number four means a root of the tree that comes from the Earth. A root that is connected to the earth and is coming out of the earth. Why does that root go down? Think about it, it goes down and it only makes sense to us because we’ve grown up with it. But if you go to a different planet than the one that exists and the tree is upside down, it makes much more sense for the roots of the tree to be the receptacles for the rain. Why did he make the roots sink into the earth? There are spiritual meanings to all of these because the water the tree needs is hidden within the Earth.

The earth is connected to Dalet which is the gate that reaches heaven, brings life. Without Dalet, without the door, without the connection to the foundation that is the Ruach that is underground, it is underground spring water that the tree seeks. What is a tree connected to in scripture? What does it mean? What does it symbolize? People! People are trees. Without your roots going deep looking for the hidden water, the sweet water, you cannot go.

What Yahweh is looking for, what the scriptures are looking for are solid trees that have a taproot that goes deep into the earth. That way, when the enemy comes with full force from him, he won’t push those trees. We must not be an inch deep and a mile wide. It is not about how many people we take to heaven. You don’t take them to heaven anyway. Yahweh never told Peter to go and convert the world. What did he say? Go and make followers! The very word disciple is a main root that goes deep into the earth learning what the rabbi says.

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