Different types of herbal remedies for depression Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Ayurveda is the ancient form of treatment and medication that originated in India. It usually helps to treat diseases using the natural remedies along with meditation and exercises. This natural treatment is not only famous in Asian countries, but many western countries have also adopted the drug due to its effectiveness. It is seen that Ayurveda has been successful in curing various acute diseases. It also works wonders in treating depression. When people opt for conventional methods and treatment of depression through psychiatry, they face many side effects that damage other facets of life. Furthermore, it is seen that conventional medication cannot completely cure depression but only offers temporary relief to the patient. Ayurveda, on the other hand, offers an effective and natural method to treat depression. It also prevents the recurrence of the disease to a great extent. Thus, experts always recommend natural remedies for depression instead of the conventional ones.

What are the causes of depression??

According to Ayurveda, there are mainly two reasons for depression:

  • Due to the imbalance in the three types of doshas.

  • When a person is not aware of his inner self.

Mostly, depressions occur due to imbalance of Kapha, which in turn leads to imbalance of two other doshas – Pitta and Vata. Due to the loss of balance in the doshas, ​​which are the basic elements of the human body, there is a feeling of hopelessness and negativity. This causes the nervous system to function abnormally, resulting in depression.

Ayurvedic treatment for depression:

Ayurvedic treatments always vary from person to person and cannot be generalized. They depend on the constitution of an individual’s body and mind. Treatment for depression also depends on these two factors. It is also determined by the type of doshas that are out of balance. The treatment has been classified based on the following:

Remedies for pitta depression:

  • Diet changes should be included in your daily life so that the Pitta element of your body is pacified. You should not eat any rich or spicy food such as red meat, fish, vinegar, cheese and tobacco. Include in your diet foods that help you cool off such as sweets, dairy products, soft drinks, etc. It is better if a person can maintain a vegetarian diet.

  • Yoga and meditation are great for faster recovery.

  • Avoid the sun as much as possible.

  • Try consuming herbs like coconut, aloe, sandalwood, shatavari, and mint.

  • Always bathe with cold water. Try to avoid taking hot showers or baths.

  • Practicing Panchakarma is also great for the body and mind.

Remedies for Vata depression:

  • You should always go to bed early and get enough sleep at night.

  • The gentle exercise and yoga routine is great.

  • Diet changes are also essential. Eating foods that are heavy, hot and give strength. Avoid the intake of fruits, salads and food products that contain caffeine. Limit consumption of spicy foods, milk, nuts and milk products. Eat foods like pasta, rice, and soup, which are heavy and lukewarm.

  • The use of herbs such as cinnamon, ginger, cumin and gotu kola is excellent in this type of depression.

  • It is also good to get a daily full body massage. However, if you don’t have much time, get a head and foot massage every day.

Kapha Depression Remedies:

  • Avoid the sun.

  • Gentle exercises and meditation are always recommended.

  • Use herbs like ginger tea, turmeric, and cayenne in your food.

  • In dietary changes, the use of fatty elements, oils, meats, sweets, desserts and foods that are not hot should be restricted. You must eat spicy foods and soups in your daily diet. It is also good to ingest honey in small amounts daily which helps to pacify the Kapha.

Along with the above mentioned remedies, the expert doctors can also suggest you an effective Ayurvedic medicine for depression that guarantees excellent long-term results.

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