Divine favor and the power of God’s love

It is God’s will to always come down to help us, support us, approve us and grant us such generous treatment that may seem unfair to others. God is visiting his people today with Divine Favor through his Son, Jesus, just as he did in years past (Exodus 1:7-22; Esther 5:2-3). It is a very good opportunity for each of us to be fruitful and grow abundantly. Through Jesus Christ, God has programmed us to multiply and grow tremendously. It is the zeal of the LORD that will bring these abundant blessings into our lives both as individuals and as a group.

In today’s world, there is the aggression of the enemy against the people of God (Exodus 1:8-16, 22). The god of this world is busy launching serious attacks against the children of God, and these attacks are many and diverse. They include anything that makes you unsuccessful, slows down, dwindles, remains static, and/or physically weakens you. They can come in the form of an attack directed solely at us materially, financially, spiritually, and ministerially. These attacks are further divided into afflictions with heavy loads, cunning dealings, embittered life with harsh servitude, rigorous service, bad and unjust decrees, spiritual and physical persecutions.

The LORD, who has prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemies, has assured us of His help, support, approval, and generous dealings in the apparent presence of aggressors and assaults. This is the work of his favor and his love for us. Because we have the Divine Favor and the power of God’s love, we will never lack or lack anything good. At that moment, God takes charge of our battles, making us capable of utterly defeating all our enemies on all fronts and at all times. When we join forces with the Lord’s inner court, and find favor with Him, victory is truly ours. Reason? We are children of God, we belong to him.

However, there is a big difference between the people we see in the world and God’s own people. The people of God are those people who have not only believed in Him but have broken unequal yokes with unbelievers, hate fellowship with injustice, communion with darkness, concord with Belial, separation with unbelievers, the pact with idols and so on. These too, recognize that they are temples of God, that God dwells in them, walks in them, and that He is their God. They are those who have left the world. They are separated and no longer touch any unclean thing (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). God’s people are those who delight in the LORD, his Projects and his People.

For these, they have attracted to themselves and everything that belongs to them the Divine Favor. This Divine Favor is the result of God’s love for us. The Bible says that God loves us or we know it. It is Divine Favor because we do not work for it to qualify for it. When we enter into God’s plan for our lives, He gives us special treatments. His ears open wide to our prayers, and as a result, He expects us to bring our offenders and assaults to Him so He can turn the battle against those who trouble us (Acts 4:23-35). You too can be part of this great army of God’s people. This message comes to you today because you have the opportunity to join us and be a part of this Divine Favor. You are not a part of this if you are still living in sin. If you’re still struggling with addictions like drugs, alcohol, or sexual perversion, you’re not one of us. God is still waiting to welcome you into his family, the family of the favored!

As a child of God, I am still in love with you, not your sin. My duty is to take you out of the darkness and bring you to the “wonderful light” of God so that you can enjoy the Divine Favor. I just want to tell you that God also loves you more than I love you. He longs to see you return to Him so that you may equally become one of His people. To be a part of this goodness, it is my candid opinion that you acknowledge and admit that you are a sinner (Psalm 51:5), and that you cannot save yourself. Then repent of those sins of yours (1 John 1:9), and confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior (Romans 10:1-10). If you have done just that, say this prayer with me: “Lord, I acknowledge and admit that I am a sinner. I turn from my sins and confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord. Thank you for saving me this day.”

More importantly, I want to assure you that once you have opened your heart to Jesus, you are now part of God’s family and qualified for Divine Favor. Then you can walk in his love and experience his favor throughout your life. The angels of God will rejoice over the decision you just made (Luke 15:10). Therefore, I encourage you to continue to grow spiritually by joining a Bible-believing Church, being baptized in water (Matthew 3:6), receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3-4; 8:14-17 ) and reading the Bible every day. Also, to help you understand the decision you have just made, I encourage you to contact me at any of the addresses or phone numbers below. God bless you!

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