Do you want to get sick, disgusting and gross? How to get sick handles!

Arguably the most important offensive skill is the ability to handle the ball.

Without good basketball handles, you will rack up a lot of turnovers on the basketball court and you will mostly have to rely on your teammates to set you up to see how to score the basketball well.

Imagine being able to take down your defender and create a high percentage shot for yourself whenever you want. When you have sick hands, this becomes a reality and the game of basketball becomes much easier. Every defense that comes your way becomes a joke and you don’t need to rely on your teammates to help you score.

So that’s how you get ridiculously sick handles.

Become one with basketball. Dribble the basketball whenever you can. If you’re going out to get the mail, bring your basketball, if you’re going to walk your dog, bring the basketball, if you’re going to get the mail, bring your basketball.

Have you ever noticed that when a song comes on the radio you often end up memorizing the lyrics of the song without trying? This is because when you repeat something over and over, it starts to stick and your brain memorizes it. So if you dribble the basketball often, you’ll start to develop muscle memory, which is exactly what you want to do to get sick.

Try walking around your block while dribbling the basketball. This is great for muscle memory. Do ball handling drills that require you to bounce the basketball. Remember that you should do this frequently. How often depends on your schedule and the amount of free time you have in your day. Even finding 30 minutes a day to dribble the basketball is great.

Another way to get sick is to develop your confidence. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are a great ball handler before you go to your basketball game or go play on a basketball court. Tell yourself that you are a great basketball player and that you can beat any defender you want. Tell yourself that you are the best basketball player in the world. Repeating these phrases to yourself will increase your confidence and help you handle basketball more effectively.

Last but not least, you are seeing the greats. You can learn a lot just by watching crazy ball handlers destroy their competition on the pitch. You will be able to see what it looks like to have sick handles and thus you can get an idea of ​​how far you are from reaching that level and what you need to do to reach that level.

This is what it takes to get sick, drive gross and nasty.

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