E-Book Millionaire Secrets Revealed 4 – Emotional Words in Cash!

You’ve now decided what your niche is, you’ve done your keyword research, and you’re ready to start writing your eBook. The biggest thing you have to fear is fear itself, and the hardest thing to do is start. The best place to start is at the beginning, and a great start to any eBook is a powerful and compelling title. Your title will be an announcement of what’s inside your ebook. You need to capture the buyer’s imagination, making them curious about how you can improve their lives. Your title has to be memorable. It has to stay in the mind.

The best way to think of a headline is to write lots and lots of them. Get yourself a kitchen timer, set it for 20 minutes, and keep creating titles until the timer goes off. Think of a hundred titles, the more stupid or crazy they seem, the better. The more you use your unconscious, the more likely you are to find a winner.

Words that trigger emotions are good, and the best way to see if your words trigger emotions is to read them out loud to yourself and see how they make you feel. Or better yet, if you can bear it, read them to someone else! Don’t make a final decision on the title of your eBook until you’ve finished it. Your subconscious can take a bit of time to work and can be triggered by something you type when you’re working on your body copy. So have a few titles in mind, but be prepared to change your title as you go. It’s that important.

If you get stuck with the title, it can sometimes help to type the topic into Google and click on image search. You will be able to find all kinds of photographs and graphics related to the theme of your e-book. I am not suggesting that you use these images in your book, as most of them will be subject to copyright restrictions. But simply downloading and displaying a few well-chosen images related to your theme can spark your imagination in a useful and profitable direction.

This is also the time when you should be doing your research. Read what other people have written in articles and blogs, and see what other eBooks may be available. The forums are a great place to research current thinking on any subject, and also a place where you might want to start establishing yourself as an expert. After all, you will soon be the author of the definitive work on your topic, and the more people who know you, the better!

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