Election 2020 Prophets

Why do Christians have a tendency to focus on the negative? Why do Christians invoke their carnal nature to respond to life’s challenges? Why are we more concerned with searching the Scriptures for prophecies than seeking the revealed truth of who we are in Christ? Why are believers so interested in what Satan is doing in the world, instead of seeing the potential of what God can do through us? Why are we so interested in resurrecting books that deal with the end times? Why are we so enamored with today’s prophets who weave rhetoric that leads us from fact to speculation?

During the 2020 presidential election, many false prophets appeared on the radar. By responding to the propaganda, that is, being launched over the airwaves, many self-proclaimed seers present a message of hope: God would indeed reverse the premature proclamation of a winner and place the right man in the oval office. Christians echoed words like fraud, cheating, vote stuffing, theft, corruption, etc. All charges may be true, but to accept the words that God will void an election is to assume that these “prophets” are actually true prophets. Believers should consult the prophets according to the guidelines of the Bible. What do we know about these “prophets”? What is your reputation outside of your circle of followers? Are they known to larger groups of believers? Who commissioned them as prophets? Are they linked to a recognized Christian movement? Do they take Scripture out of context to support their “prophetic words”? What kind of fruit have you shown in your life? If these are false prophets and their predictions do not materialize, it could cause irreparable damage to God’s earthly kingdom. The Christian movement is under tremendous scrutiny and having false prophets proclaiming wrong predictions only adds fuel to the fire.

What if God is using the political agenda to punish our country? Who are we to suppose that we know more than God! I believe that there is political corruption, but I also believe that God will take care of it in his time. He will use it as judgment and correction or as a test of our faith, as well as to promote his Kingdom.

Jesus said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste…” (Matthew 12:25). Satan understands this Scripture better than most Christians. If he can get God’s people to pay attention to his messengers and ignore God’s Word, he knows that division will continue to tear a country apart. It is time for Christians to hear from the Holy Spirit, not the spirit of man.

There are true prophets of God who speak under the direction of God. Most of today’s prophecies are for edification, not correction. (I Corinthians 14:4,5) There are warnings against ungodliness, but it is given by pastors and evangelists through the Word, not outside of the Word. Every time we step beyond God’s Word, we become an instrument of Satan’s tactics. False prophets are the “pied pipers” who lure people into following feelings and emotions. They play a tune that makes believers seek what they want instead of what God desires. Let’s not be disappointed!

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