Financial Security Reality

The US Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans who reach age 65 do not own as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sufficient (the rest are dependent on family, church or government)! This is really daunting. But the reason for this is not far-fetched, many have spent, and some are still spending their entire youthful lives working to enrich others, they have done virtually nothing to achieve financial security.

Most people are looking for work everywhere. Now that I think about it. What exactly is the definition of a JOB?

A job according to Robert Kiyosaki is defined as a short-term solution to a long-term problem. It is just a temporary solution for the weekly payment of bills and household expenses and nothing more. It is a known fact that no employer is prepared to pay his employee in wealth. Every salaried staff receives something in the form of wages and salary to maintain their existence.

This is why there are too many ‘working poor’ around the world. The bitter truth is that virtually all salaried workers live paycheck to paycheck. A higher percentage are consistently in the credit tier and overdraft throughout the year, this is because they have already depleted their wages before they are paid. The situation has permanently driven so many people into perpetual fear. The fear of being fired, the fear of not having enough money, the fear of not being able to face financial challenges, etc. This is the reason why so many people are reduced to slaves to money.

Is there no way out of this mess?

Surely there is divine provision for financial security. The word of the Master in the Book says: I have come to give you life, and to give it to you in abundance. What do you think abundant life entails? It means a life of wealth, a life of unlimited supplies, a life of financial security. This is the divine plan for everyone on earth. However, the secret access to this divine plan lies in the ability of each man to work for himself. Until he learns to serve himself, he won’t be on his way to becoming financially independent.

Many, having discovered this basic truth of life, leave their administrative jobs and find something to do for themselves.

MacDonald discovered this truth and went ahead to work for himself even in old age. Having faithfully served someone else’s business throughout his youth, but with nothing to show for it. He ended his life savoring a taste of financial security in his own business.

Stone Evans started a restaurant business for himself. But he found out there must be something better somewhere, he quit and started a home business.

You may not have enough money to start a brick and wall business, but you can start a home business. This is a surefire way to build a steady income and work toward financial security. Many people have joined the queue of the rich and prosperous by starting their own businesses from the comfort of their own homes.

I urge you to take a step today and launch your own destiny toward financial security.

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