How ginger helps body odor

There is some controversy as to whether ginger can help you fight body odor. Some may tell you that if you want to avoid smelling weird then you should steer clear of ginger, and others may tell you that it will help you fight body odor. So who do you believe?

Believe it or not, but both terms of advice are correct when the situation is right. Let’s say you want to go to a big social event tonight and you want to eliminate body odor as much as you can, then take the advice and stay away from ginger. But if you are looking for a long-term solution to your smell, then you must start eating ginger every day.

How ginger helps

Ginger basically does two things in your body to help you fight body odor. First, antioxidants work to release harmful toxins in your body. Then it causes your body to sweat so these toxins can be expelled through your skin through sweat. You should know that the smell is not caused by the sweat that comes out of you, but by the toxins. So, if you want to get rid of body odor for today, you should avoid ginger today as it will temporarily increase the odor.

However, there may be a way that ginger can help you in the short term too. Ginger helps you break into a sweat and therefore if you were to use grated ginger in your bath water your body could sweat out a lot of toxins quickly so that in a few hours from now you can smell fresher.

Helping Ginger

You can eat ginger every day and take a ginger bath every day, but it won’t solve your body odor problem if you continue to introduce toxins into your body. Ginger works hard to flush toxins out of your body, and therefore you must do the same.

Most of the toxins that enter your body do so through the toxic foods you eat. These are foods like processed foods, foods high in saturated fat, and cooked and baked foods. That is why you must do your part and eliminate these toxic foods from your diet, so that your body has fewer toxins to eliminate. When your body is free of toxins, you are also free of body odors.

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