How to choose a good pair of badminton shoes

Most players spend most of their budget on badminton rackets. They ignore the fact that shoes are equally important. If you want to move freely, buying a good pair of shoes is extremely important. While playing, moving quickly in different directions is of great importance. Any slip can cause injury or at least impair your performance. Here are some expert tips that can make it easier for you to choose the right pair.


Grip and traction are the two most important things to consider when investing in badminton shoes. When it comes to the best type of boot, consider the court you are going to play on. If you play on a PU or wood court, opt for a pair that has gum soles, as they offer good grip and traction.

Generally, the chewing gum sole tends to accumulate a lot of dirt, which reduces traction. As a result, you are more likely to slip. It is a good idea to avoid putting your shoes on when you are off the court. You can choose to place a damp towel near the court to step on and rub the soles of your boots to clean them.

Since concrete surfaces are not elastic unlike wood, most people don’t play with them. However, if you want to play on a concrete surface, be sure to wear a regular rubber-soled shoe. Apart from this, you can also try tennis boots. They can also work well.

However, it is better if you go for badminton shoes only. Volleyball boots can also be a great alternative.


Since playing badminton requires you to move in several directions quickly, be sure to opt for boots that can withstand the impact without breaking. In the market, you can find a variety of boots that provide better cushioning. Before you pay for your favorite pair, don’t forget to put it on to see how it feels.


Ideally, you may want to buy a lightweight pair. When Wilson first entered this market, he released a pair of badminton boots. These boots have a textile upper and a rubber sole. In fact, it was incredibly light.

However, they no longer manufacture them. You may not even find a photo of these boots. The boots that you can find these days have complex designs. But the good thing is that they are more comfortable. And they also cost a lot more.


As with any portable item you buy, make sure you go for the correct size. And when it comes to size, width is the second most important element to consider. In other sports, you advance while playing. In badminton, you have to move more to the left and to the right. So the width of the shoes is more important.

To summarize, if you are going to buy a good pair of badminton shoes, we suggest that you consider the advice given above. This way you can avoid common mistakes and get the right pair to suit your needs.

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