How to get free business advice from Quora

Get free small business advice with engaging social communities

Why it’s so great: Quora is a question and answer site where experts take the time to seriously answer your questions. You can follow topics like “startups” and “entrepreneurship” and people like Fred Wilson or Mark Zuckerberg

“Answers are voted on by the highly populated community.”

So what is Quora anyway? Quora is a platform where questions and answers can be asked and then answered by experts. You can follow any business, small business, and marketing topic. The platform is essentially self-controlled through upvoting like Reddit. The community is very active and it’s a great way to learn and ask questions.

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” -Michael John Bobak

So what is Quora, is it like Wikipedia?

Everyone is very familiar with Wikipedia, it is used by millions of people around the world every hour. If someone searches for information on Google, the first results are usually Wikipedia sites. However, I am noticing a change with more options like Quora.

Wikipedia was founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger in January 2001. The organization is a nonprofit organization that collects donations at its annual fundraiser and through individual donations to provide Wikipedia.

Quora is more web and app based with an interactive upvote action.

Quora is a question and answer site. Quora was founded in June 2009 by Adam D’Angelo. Users can ask custom questions and these are answered by registered users. The answers can be evaluated by the upvoting system. It is a for-profit company.

So how can I use Quora to help with my small business?

How Many People Use Quora: 200+ Million Monthly Users – 100+ Million US 05/10/17

Quora is a question and answer site where its entire community of users asks, answers, edits and organizes questions if one of them decides to participate.

  • This happens every day on Quora.
  • Someone gets some life-changing advice.
  • Someone is inspired by the real life stories of people.
  • Someone gets professional knowledge.

Quorum’ (from whom in Latin) itself is genitive plural of ‘Qui’ which means “WHO”. As usual, the intended definition of ‘Quorum’ and ‘Quora’ has been morphed into a watered-down, but understandably so. ‘Quora’, unsurprisingly, has come to mean a ‘select group’.

Running a business can feel intimidating and sometimes even isolating, especially at first. With the Internet and online communities with professionals, you can ask questions and search for related topics and learn.

There are many online tools that can help you and help you grow your business, as well as free trials that can simplify the entire process of marketing your campaign.

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