How to get started with your federal job search

There are numerous websites to take special note of when looking for a federal job, but the most important place to start is the federal government’s own site for this in US jobs. It’s a free site that allows you to create an account and apply for jobs using your online resume created block by block. This site lists most federal jobs in all departments. For example, it includes the Department of Defense, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Homeland Security, etc. It’s a good place to check in every day, but it’s by no means the ONLY place to stay in the know. You should also try to target the specific agency that has the types of positions you are interested in and qualified for.

There are many options to search for jobs in the US and you should experiment with all of them. It’s best to actually play around with the site so you understand how to make best use of it. You can get information on the Job Series by looking up federal dot net jobs/occupations. Searching for your preferred series allows you to create an agent. The agent will send you an email each time a position opens in your range of interest. It saves you some work, but I still recommend that you check the site every day.

An important note I would like to say here is to disregard what you hear other people say about applying for federal jobs. Just because someone had a bad experience doesn’t mean you’ll have a bad experience. You just need to be smart about it and read the articles on this site that will guide you through the process. I successfully applied and landed three federal jobs and have interviewed for countless others. Obviously the process works, but some will try to discourage you from the start by saying things like, “you have to know someone to get a government job these days” or “unless you’re a veteran, you won’t.” even get a second look.” While using their network might be helpful, it’s not the ONLY way to get hired. And veterans get preference, but once you’re in the system, you also get preference after a year.

Another thing that people will complain about is the KSA. These are the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. They boil down to short essays that describe your expertise in a certain area. It’s not a big deal at all, but it would be helpful, if you absolutely hate typing and know you’re not good at it, to get help from someone who can. People suffer from this, but with a little guidance, it doesn’t have to be so painful.

As with any job search, it’s always easier to look for a job when you already have one. If you’re unemployed and hoping to enter federal service, you might want to get something to hold you over for a few months while you apply for as many government jobs you think you even remotely qualify for. It is estimated that it will take up to 6 months to be hired. It took me a whole year to start my second federal job. Don’t be discouraged, but be aware and plan ahead for your finances. Stay tuned for more posts as I walk you through the federal application process step by step.

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