How to order the nutritional facts of fruits

Fruits are vital components of a healthy diet. Yet 60% of Americans barely eat enough fruit. Many say that it is difficult to fit them and difficult to do. To meet your daily requirements, that means eating 2 to 3 cups of fruit. This represents a challenge for many. Arming yourself with the knowledge of how to include fruits in your diet—the role they play in optimal health—is an incentive to make them a priority as components of your healthy lifestyle. The fruits are delicious, colorful and can be eaten on demand. Fruits are low in calories, high in nutrients, high in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fibers with high water content. Although some fruits are seasonal, fresh fruits are still available in grocery stores year-round when production from local farms stops.

Beware of food manufacturers that put small amounts of “real fruit” in food and list it as “real fruit” on their food label. These statements do not translate as whole fruit or as a piece of fruit. Take a look at the ingredients on the nutrition label. Ask yourself if this fruit is listed as “whole fruit” or “fruit flavored.” If it is “fruity”, it is not counted as a whole fruit.

Fresh fruits have a sweet or sour taste. They are mostly low in calories, high in nutrients, savory and tasty. Canned and frozen fruits with no added sugars or syrups count as pure fruit. Include a variety of fruits in your diet, such as berries that contain vitamin C, bananas that contain potassium, mangoes that contain vitamin A and fiber. Get used to eating different fruits. Each fruit provides different nutrients and benefits and that is the key to variety.

Nuts like grapes; Blueberries and prunes are pure fruits, but should be eaten in smaller amounts because they become more concentrated and higher in calories when dried. Look at the difference; a cup of fresh grapes has about 104 calories and a half cup of grapes has 216 calories. Another option is freeze-dried fruit. Eating this type of fruit does not provide high calories, it tastes good and retains most of its nutrients. However, they are expensive.

100% Juice

One hundred percent fruit juices count as one serving of fruit. However, the whole fruit of an orange provides 62 calories, 3 g of fiber. A serving of juice, ½ cup with pulp, has the same calories as a whole orange, but the difference is the lack of fiber.

Yogurt with Fruit in the Background

Fruit is usually included in yogurt. The amount of fruit it contains does not provide many nutrients and the added sugar increases caloric levels. It’s best to buy low-fat plain yogurt and add your own serving of fruit.

The science behind the fruits

Fruits are friends of having a healthy heart. In a study of Finnish women, they added ½ cup (4 ounces) of mixed berries and about 2 ounces of berry puree to their daily diets. Their good cholesterol (HDL) improved by 5.2 percent after 8 weeks. Fruits are associated with reduced risk of cancer. A Japanese study of more than 42,000 adults showed that citrus consumption reduced the risk of all types of cancer. Many factors can be attributed to the results. One idea suggests that the flavonoids in lemon may inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Fruits are a great help to lose weight. Researchers in Brazil asked women to add 3 apples, pears, or the same number of fiber-containing oatmeal cookies to their daily diets. At the end of 10 weeks, the fruit eaters lost nearly 2 pounds, while the oat eaters’ weight stayed the same. Fruits contain fiber and nutrients, so include them in all 3 of your meals or as snacks. Remember: the perception of “sweetness” or acidity is personal. Fruit consumed before the peak of its season can be more acidic on the palate. Fruit eaten during or after its peak season may taste less acidic or sweeter on the palate. Fruit eaten late in the season may be mealy or tart with little residual flavor.

World Fruit Trends

Make fruit a staple in your menu planning. Select a variety of colorful fruits that are tasty and rich in nutrients. Fruits like blueberries, strawberries, oranges, apricots, kiwis, melons, watermelons, apples, pomegranates, mangoes, cherries, peaches, nectarines are delicious and have antioxidant properties that are good for our health. They can be eaten fresh, cooked, as a dressing for cereal salads, and as chutneys for grilled meats, chicken, and fish. The next time you visit your grocery store, take a look at the exotic fruits that are grown and shipped from all corners of the world and delivered to us across national and geographic borders through many technology and transportation channels. These exotic fruits are fresh, frozen and canned. You can buy them fresh, frozen, canned, dried in the same forms as our native fruits. These fruits are available to us from far and wide regions where they were grown and come at a price that we should not take for granted. The grapes come from Chile, the kiwis from New Zealand and the mangoes from India or the Caribbean. These fruits are perfectly formed and are not damaged. Make them part of your fruit adventure. You are doing your body and your health good. Now you know the merits of eating fruit and the importance it plays in our health and well-being, it’s versatile, it delights, it keeps our taste buds pleasing. So make fruit an essential part of your diet.

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