How to survive and thrive in Artist’s Alley and get your comic book supplies

Comic book conventions (comic cons) can be exhausting endeavors for the artists featured in Artist’s Alley. Here are twenty tips to help you not only survive your appearance in Comic Book Convention Artists Alley, but also win sales and thrive in that environment.

1. Wear comfortable shoes that are broken in. A comic convention is not the place to wear new shoes. It can be the length of a football field between your table and the restroom or concession area. You don’t want to go through the scam with blistered and sore feet.

2. If you take prescription drugs, remember to take them as prescribed without fail. This will not only keep you in your personal best, but it will help ensure that people remember you for your art and not for being taken out of a scam on a stretcher.

3. Bring hard copies of any information you receive related to the trip, the hotel, and the convention itself, so that if any conflict or confusion arises, you have immediate proof of your version of events.

4. Light package. If you don’t need it, don’t take it.

5. Project a professional demeanor. Make sure that your hygiene is excellent, that your clothes are not wrinkled, etc.

6. Business cards are a must for any artist, but especially at conventions where (if you’re smart) you’ll be online when you’re not at your table or filling commissions.

7. Be organized, label boxes and print collections.

8. Pack a mini first aid kit; pain reliever and a couple of plasters in a ziplock bag.

9. Bring change, $100.00 in one, five and ten should be enough.

10. Whenever possible, use wheels for the supply cart, printing, etc.

11. Bring tape, scissors, and an empty plastic garbage bag.

12. Make yourself visible! Use a brightly colored standalone banner to let people know where you are.

13. Bring all the supplies you will need for sketching and commissioning. Of course this will vary from artist to artist depending on the media chosen. However, all artists must include black and silver Sharpies for signing.

14. If you do free sketches, keep them small so you have free time to pay commissions. Artist Trading Cards (ATC) are ideal for this purpose. They also work well for small, quick commissions.

15. Make a professional looking sign to display on your table listing individual prices for head, torso, full body and ATC drawings. A price list sign should not be larger than 9″x12″. The bigger the poster, the less space for your art.

16. Remember that every minute you’re away from your table could mean a missed sales opportunity.

17. Most customers will want a way to protect their purchased art. Bring page protectors that you can offer for sale in addition to the art. The acid-free foam board inside the resealable Krystal Seal art bags is a great option. This combination is professional looking, yet inexpensive. You may even want to bring a couple of collapsible cardboard tubes to send in the mail to sell. Of course, you will have earned a bit more by providing good customer service and being a marketing savvy.

18. Use hand sanitizer often.

19. Remember to smile and be kind. As the old sales adage goes, if you can get the laugh, you can get the sale.

20. Right after each convention, make a list of things that worked for you and things that didn’t work for you, and plan to make corresponding changes for your next convention.

Although it can be hard work turning up in Artist’s Alley. These tips should help you become a well-rounded artist thriving in the crowded Artist’s Alley of a comic book convention!

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