Hype or hope? Eric Medemar Review – HyperResults System 2.0 Advanced Wholesaler

Until an accidental meeting in 2006 at the REI Summit, I had only heard rumors about Eric’s unique training philosophy. I was told by a few other top coaches in the industry that I would either love Eric or hate him. There was simply no middle ground with him. Looking back, it’s clear that her no-nonsense approach to wholesale real estate coupled with his sharp tongue had earned her some enemies.

That meeting coupled with serious demands from my blog subscribers prompted me to contact Eric so he could do a comprehensive review of his Advanced Wholesale System. So, with his permission, I’d like to start now.

If you remember, in October 2009 we did our first conference call with Eric Medemar and I went right out and asked him if he was planning to present any new material. He only hinted that there might be something in the works, but at the time it didn’t seem like anything concrete. That’s why I was so excited when I saw that he was launching this new system.

I’ll be right up front, there was a part of me that didn’t think I could get much better with your Ultimate Wholesale System. After all, his ultimate wholesale system was not only cheap, it also worked. A kind of difficult combination to improve.

That’s why I wasn’t at all surprised to learn that instead of improving his system, it seemed more like he was expanding it. Do you know that sometimes you can’t know what you don’t know, until you learn something new and only then do you realize that something big was missing? Well, that’s what happened when I started checking out their new system.

Module #1 Mental Acceleration Module– In this module, for example, I learned the fascinating reason why many of us get stuck in “Paralysis by Analysis”. This seems to be something that sets the Eric system apart from many of the other systems I have reviewed. Eric not only teaches you “what to do” he teaches you “how to do it”.

Module #2 The Buyer Blitz module- Anyone who has purchased the Ultimate Wholesale system will remember Eric’s reverse MLS method and his HUD bloodhound method. How could those two methods be improved? Personally, I didn’t think I could do it. He did! In his new buyers module, he shares 21 more ways to find buyers and about 10 of them are as innovative as his HUD hound method and his Reverse MLS method.

Module #3 The Marketing Crisis Module- This was like getting an abbreviated MBA in marketing, which is one of those areas where I didn’t know how much I was missing or how much it would help me, until I actually listened to the module.

Module #4 The Real Estate Agent Reality Check Module- For many of you, this might be your favorite because in this one, Eric touches on an area of ​​investing that no other course seems to teach, which is how to handle dealing with real estate agents. Those of you who know me know that I’ve been a real estate agent for 15 years and Eric teaches you things about me that he certainly wouldn’t want you to know.

Module #5 The Seller Slam Module– As Eric says, “Buyers and sellers are about 90% of the wholesale equation,” which is why he goes into so much detail giving specific and exact instructions on how to find motivated sellers in almost every market.

Module #6 Website Warfare Module– If you somehow missed the boat and weren’t impressed with the previous 5 modules, this one will blow your mind, because Eric takes you behind the scenes of his guru business and gives you a flood of new insights on how he leverages the internet to earn even more money, with much less effort.

Because so many of you asked, I thought I’d post the first half of my review because there are 6 more modules to go after this one. No, I’m not officially done with this review, but I will say that in these first 6 modules alone I’ve gotten 10 TIMES my money’s worth.

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