Let the one with problems cast the first spell

Raise your hand if your life is perfect.

Hope it’s at least pretty good. I would be thrilled to know that it is amazing, packed with everything you want and need.

But if someone offered you a magic wand that could fix anything with a wave …

Well, you would cast that spell.

You’re not going to turn around, shrug, and politely decline.

There is always something you can work on, shape and improve on. Like a work of art, you are never really finished.

It’s okay though. You can do something like this. It is not a magic spell, although it sometimes seems like it.

It is what is known as therapy without content … only you apply it to yourself. You are the therapist and the client at the same time.

Content-free therapy is when the coach, hypnotist, or therapist is unaware of the problem. They don’t need to know. The therapist develops the client’s strengths, resources, and strategies, and the client solves the problem.

It sounds crazy to people who believe that probing, investigating, analyzing, and dissecting a thought pattern is the only approach.

If you want to spend months mapping a thought in its entirety, I wish you the best. I? I’d rather solve the problem than draw a diagram.

The no-content approach works because the customer already knows the problem, at least unconsciously. A part of them knows when and how to execute those thoughts, so you must be an expert at it.

Let that part of them fix it and everyone will be so much happier.

This is cool and all, you might be thinking, but how does this apply to yourself?

Ah well that’s not that difficult.

Clear your mind and maybe let it go into a trance now. As you begin to dig deeper, take a moment to pause and think about this:

Your life is not perfect, but how is that? Something could be better, but what?

You do not need to answer these questions. Better if you don’t, these are bigger questions than your conscious mind can face.

Just think about them.

Then stop thinking and delve into your hypnotic trance.

You can give your unconscious mind some way to express itself, so it knows when it’s done. A classic is to let your hands move by themselves. When they touch your face, land on your lap, or come together, it means that your unconscious has finished answering the question.

Take your time with this. Don’t rush or interfere with the process. Let it unfold.

When your hand reaches its destination, rest, relax and integrate what you have learned. Then consciously choose something to do to remind him of this. You may be taking a moment to look at your hands. Maybe he’s looking at the sky.

It is something that, when you do it several times a day, will reactivate the solution that you carry inside.

And that becomes your magic spell but not magic. A simple gesture or action that fills your mind with ingenuity, optimism and solutions. It’s better than anything fancy.

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