Living with the new Corona virus or Covid 19

The human world has just been turned almost upside down. The recent pandemic has grabbed the daily life of humans by the throat, and this happened suddenly. Fear has emerged from the darkness and has proliferated across the globe very rapidly, and this has paralyzed the routine work of humans. The Novel Corona Virus has brought with it many novel forms, which until now were unknown to humans, rather neglected by them.

Now, many say that from now on, there will be an era before and after the Novel Corona virus.

But will humans become new because of the Novel Corona Virus? If we learn the essence of this painful pandemic, we will see the rise of a welcoming world on the other side of this heartbreak! On the other hand, if the lesson is not read, it will surely breed enmity between nations, leading the world to novel confrontations.

Let’s hope for the best. Let’s have some optimism and look towards a better human society where there is no religious, caste or racial discrimination.

Living with the new Corona virus o Covid 19 – Precautions

  • Always be hygienic, anywhere and at all costs. Maintaining personal hygiene is essential.

  • Whenever you move, wear a face mask; for common use, a two-layer cloth mask is best. You can reuse the same after washing. You can also do it at home.

  • When wearing and removing masks, you must be doubly careful; you should not touch the central part with your hand; Always hold the rope to wear and take it off.

  • Do not carelessly place your mask here or there after use. Always take it to your bathroom if it is washable and wash it with soap or detergent immediately. If it is a ‘single use’ mask, you should wash it in the same way and place it in a plastic bag and then in the garbage bag. You can also cut the same into one or two pieces as this will prevent someone from using the same again. After removing the mask, you must wash your hands.

  • Remember, when you are away from home, you will not know if the person near you is a carrier of the Novel Corona Virus. This pretty much means that your entire body is unsanitary, and therefore never allow your hands to touch vulnerable parts of your body such as your nose, eyes, and mouth.

  • Always carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you; this will be of great help when you are on the go.

  • Forget the handshake greeting; do not greet with a handshake; instead, you can cross your hands and nod your head. This is the best form of greeting.

  • Sanitize your hands more frequently; when you are at home, you can use soap.

  • It is always good to have hot food and drinks.

  • Keep individual distance; at least three feet away from another person.

  • It is sensible to stay away from crowded places, in any case, during these initial periods.

  • Wash your hands and feet when you get home or work.

  • When you get home, you should go inside only after washing your feet. Immediately, you should take your bath.

  • Take protein-rich foods, which will increase your stamina level and improve overall immunity power.

  • Regular physical exercise, which will help our body’s metabolism.

  • Contact a practicing doctor if you feel that something is wrong with your body. Never try to self medicate.

Finally, we must learn the lesson taught by this Novel Corona Virus that human life is so fragile and can be collapsed by even a tiny virus, which is not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, we must cast off the hatred that we have carried up to now and we must love one another. Let’s become New Human Beings.

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