Melt away ugly body fat in just 10 minutes a day

Are you looking to get rid of excess body fat? Do you want to do it in less time than it would take you to get to the gym? Here are 7 great high-intensity fat-burning exercises that can be done in less than ten minutes.

1. Jump rope

Jumping rope is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise that also helps improve coordination. And the only equipment you need is a jump rope.

Keep your feet together to start, then increase the burn by raising your knees higher with each jump. As you improve, you can alternate feet in a “boxer shuffle” style.

2. Walk at intervals

Interval training doesn’t have to be complicated. You can increase the effects of your daily walk by changing the speed.

Start walking at normal speed for two minutes, build up to your full speed for 30 seconds to one minute. Slow down and go through the loop again. You should aim to do 3-4 rounds in ten minutes.

3. Mini circuit training of 10 minutes

Do you want to burn maximum calories? Follow this easy to do strength training circuit:

Start with 10 push-ups, 10 squats, and a plank for 30 seconds with minimal rest between sets. Try to get 4-5 cycles in your ten minute workout. You can add 30 seconds of jogging for more cardio.

4. Jumps

This will require a bank of some sort; a weight bench works great. It can really get your heart pumping while simultaneously working your big muscles.

Stand next to the bench with both feet on the same side and your hands resting on the bench. Hop your feet over the bench to the other side and immediately return to the starting point.

Do three sets of ten reps for a solid 10-minute workout.

5. Tabata Racing

Tabata is a type of interval training invented in Japan. It’s a high-intensity workout that claims to burn nine times the fat of a typical cardio workout.

It works by doing 20 seconds of max cardio, followed by ten seconds of rest. The cycle is repeated for four minutes.

Any type of high intensity cardio will do; Outdoor or indoor sprints on the stationary bike are great options. You’ll be surprised what four minutes can do!

6. The Mountaineer

This great workout doesn’t need any equipment, unless you count the floor! You just pretend to climb a mountain, on the ground.

Get into a runner’s starting position, with both hands on the ground and one leg forward with the knee under your chest. Without moving his hands off the ground, he jumps up and swings his back leg forward and his front leg back.

Do four sets of ten repetitions.

7. Knees and elbows

This exercise is called the standing oblique, and it’s great for building your core-body strength.

Begin in a standing position with your arms overhead. Lower your right elbow and raise your right knee to touch, then return to your starting position. Alternate left and right sides like this for ten reps, then add 30 seconds of jogging.

Repeat the cycle for ten minutes.

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