Millionaire Mind – The Secret Of The Millionaire Mind Revealed

Hello future millionaire,

There is a lot of value in reading about the successes
from other persons

You can get a lot out of it.

I was reading a recent edition of Forbes magazine and
topic was “the best advice I’ve ever received” and I want to share
a story with you

The magazine was interviewing billionaire Richard Branson,
the founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways, and said something
very interesting.

Speaking of his mentor, Freddie Laker, Branson said:

“At the time, I was running a small record company; I was
about 17 years old. The first time I met him it was a bit
years later. I was thinking of starting my own airline.
He gave me this advice: ‘You’ll never get the publicity
be able to outsell British Airways. You’ll have to
go out and use yourself. Make an ass of oneself.
Otherwise, you won’t survive.'”

A lot of people ask me, they say, “Mike, what are some tips
about how to be successful?

I want to share with you one that was very hard for me; I
I still struggle with it to this day sometimes, but I’ve had my share.
of victories too.

If you reread the above quote from Richard Branson,
seeing that his mentor gave him the advice to “Make a fool of yourself
of yourself.” I want to tell you in another way.

I’ll say it this way:

You are not going to unleash your greatness and reach your
financial goals if they are not STRETCHED.


To do something great you must first feel uncomfortable.

The uncomfortable always comes before the comfortable.

Michael Dell, Tiger Woods, Warren Buffet, Julia Roberts, all
they stretched a lot, took risks and had the
COURAGE to persevere.

Here’s the good news.

You don’t have to put in 100%, 50%, or even 25% effort.

This is what you have to do today.

Stretch 1%. If that is!

ask yourself:

What is one action that I know I need to do today, but what is
uncomfortable and difficult for me to do?


Is it prospecting, public speaking, asking for a raise? What
it is, stretch out and GO FOR IT.

I believe in you and it’s time for you to get the ball out of the
park’ and live your dreams.

Richard Branson was also scared, he had many fears and
it probably still does to this day.

He just made the DECISION to do it and now he is one of
the richest people in the world.

Give yourself the gift of stretching 1% today.

You will love yourself for it.

mike litman

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