Mistakes to exclude from your FarmVille Strategy

If you don’t want to waste your entire life reaching the level cap or spent hundreds of dollars in FV cash, you need a solid FarmVille strategy from the start. Unfortunately, I can’t afford the time to tell you here exactly what to seed and what to acquire to play with maximum efficiency from one level to the next.

However, I can help you become aware of several mistakes not to make when developing your own FarmVille strategy. So, are you ready to find out what you should stay away from while playing this game? Here are some ideas.

1. Never waste your PV cash on useless things. I know a puppy looks great and fun on your farm. But it doesn’t produce anything. They cost outrageous FV Cash prices, so unless you really want one and are prepared to spend a few real bucks on it, stay away from Pups when you’re low on FV Cash.

2. Never expect other people to send you neighbor requests. Neighbors are very important for this game. They provide him with fuel and fertilizers, feed his chickens, etc. But other players involved in this game don’t even know about your existence. Therefore, you must “hunt” your own neighbors. Tip: You can find many good FarmVille neighbors on the Zynga-FarmVille forum.

3. Don’t plant the wrong seeds. A very common mistake that many players make, which you should exclude from your FarmVille strategy, is buying low-efficiency seeds. Not all vegetables, flowers or grains have a good cash/XP return and some of them take up to 4 days to mature. So, combine the best crops.

4. Do not participate in cooperative farming. As soon as you’re eligible for a cooperative farming job, any job you can. However, to be successful every time in cooperative farming, it is good to have a large harvest area. Which brings me to mistake number 5, which should not be part of any FarmVille strategy.

5. Until you reach full farm capacity, always invest your PV cash in farm expansions. PV cash does not grow on trees, as you may have noticed. However, having a large farm means profit. So the best FV cash investment any player can make is a farm expansion.

Conclution: To build your farm quickly and effectively, it’s not enough to know a few mistakes you can make and avoid them. You need a complete FarmVille strategy. For that, you have me, I have been working with a complete FarmVille guide.

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