Quick tips to make money from Burning Crusade – 5 quick tips to make money from Burning Crusade

Making money with Burning Crusade is actually not that hard to do, but many players have a hard time getting gold simply because they don’t know how to do it. If you want to be a rich character, you must have a strategy to follow. These 5 quick tips will help you have a better strategy for making money in Burning Crusade.

1. Sell your stuff on the auction house. If all you’re doing right now is selling to vendors, you’re missing out on the action.

2. Say. You can get cheap green items by either grinding or crafting (or you can buy very cheap crafted items in the AH if they are sold by players who are leveling up their crafting profession). Often times, disenchanting these items and selling the mats on the auction house is profitable.

3. Pay attention to the festivities of Azeroth. Season quests require items that you can sell to lazy players who don’t want to farm for the items. You can make all kinds of money if you pay attention to what’s going on in the world around you and figure out how to profit from it.

4. Kill the humanoids and sell the cloth they drop at the Auction House. This advice is good from the beginning of the game until the level cap. The cloth always sells well, especially to tailors.

5. Get the biggest bags you can. Get 16 or larger slot bags as soon as you can afford them. You will earn more money doing this because you will be able to grow more items to sell.

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