Reading Guide for War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace is a huge book and it may seem overwhelming to a reader who has not experienced Tolstoy’s fiction before, but at the same time a page flipper, moving between a number of different characters in peace and war during the period from 1805 to 1813 at the height of the Napoleonic wars. Tolstoy studied the history of the time in great detail and also used his own experiences from the Crimean War to portray the realism of life in campaign and battle. But nevertheless, this is also a story of love and romance, and the very nature of what it is to be human and to have a purpose in life, themes that Tolstoy explored throughout his fiction.

Reading War and Peace is well worth the time and effort. If you get a chance to read it, here are some questions from the reading guide that you could use to make the experience more interesting. Alternatively, an ambitious group of readers can use these questions to start the discussion.

Reading Guide Questions for War and Peace

1. War and Peace has been considered one of the best novels of all time. Do you agree with this assessment and why do you think War and Peace has received so much applause?

2. How does War and Peace illustrate Tolstoy’s attitude toward war?

3. Do you think the voice and opinions of the author intrude too much on War and Peace?

4. Tolstoy said of War and Peace that “it was not a novel, still less a poem, and still less a historical chronicle.” What do you think he meant by this and do you agree?

5. Did you feel that you learned more about the historical events described in War and Peace? Did the historical setting of the book greatly influence your appreciation of it?

6. War and Peace is a long book. Do you think it is the right length? Did the length put you off and how did you feel when you finished the book?

7. With which of the male characters did you feel the most sympathy, Pierre or Andrew?

8. How does Tolstoy make the situations he describes, be it a battle or a ball, come to life for the reader?

9. There are several contrasting female characters in War and Peace: Helene, Natasha, and Mary. What is your opinion of each of them and what do you think were Tolstoy’s views?

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