Real Estate Websites – Online Directories

Online directories are today’s version of the traditional yellow pages. In fact, you’ll find on the web along with industry-specific directories for every vocation, from lawyers to zoologists. These directories differ in the amount of information they allow you to post, the search options they offer, and the fees they charge. Directory costs range from free to more than $240 a year. Some are free with a reciprocal link exchange. Many real estate directories are actually lead generation sites where a visitor “blindly” fills out a form to request more information. The company then contacts their board members to sell that lead or they sell it through other outlets.

  • Directory Listing-Pros: A directory listing is generally the least expensive way to get your contact information online. Popular directories can provide an opportunity for new business as they generate traffic. If your directory listing has the added benefit of a link to your webpage or website, you could convert more prospects as they can “click” to learn more about you. A directory listing is the bare minimum of a web presence, but it’s a start, and the more listings you have, the better… “more needles in the Internet’s haystack.”
  • Disadvantages of Directory Listings: Directories typically limit their information and may charge more for premium upgrades, such as posting a photo or logo, being listed in more than one city, or having a placement at the top of the page. Also, if a directory relies on advertising for revenue, its pages may be cluttered with small ads and flashing banners, which isn’t exactly a professional image. And directory companies often intercept customer inquiries to turn around and sell those leads to you and any number of other agents. If you want a web address that you can add to your business cards, ads, or flyers, a simple directory listing probably isn’t the answer. Most provide an address that is long, hostile, and not suitable for marketing, such as: Try putting that on a business card or typing it into your browser! Most don’t offer a search by name feature, so if a previous customer wants to find you or refer someone, they can’t locate you without doing a search by city and state, and then scrolling through the list until you find their name. Also, directories are often programmed in a format that doesn’t allow for “favorites,” meaning a customer can’t get back to your information without doing another search by city and state, and then scrolling again.

The following are just some of the companies that offer online directories. (Costs quoted are subject to change.) These are not the highest or lowest rates, but are typical for the industry:

  • Generic online directories:, free., free.
  • Online real estate directories:, free with link exchange. Listed on, $19.95/year., free with logo/link on your home page or $25/year.

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