Sleep tips for teens

Do you have problems sleeping? Are you awake at night staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep to come? Or do you wake up during the night and anxiously wait to go back to sleep? If you suffer from insomnia, you know how difficult it can be to get through the day on just a few hours of sleep. It’s hard to concentrate on classes and homework. How frustrating!

But there are some tips you can try to curb your insomnia and get the sleep you need.

1. Keep a fixed schedule. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. I know this is hard to do on weekends. You’d rather sleep late than get up early. But if your body gets used to going to sleep and getting up at certain times, it will help you get the sleep you need.

2. Create a sanctuary in your room. Make sure the temperature isn’t too high or low, the lights are off (this includes the TV), and the only noises are white noise (like your fan or a wave machine).

3. Create a bedtime ritual that tells your brain it’s time to sleep. Take a shower, brush your teeth, turn on the wave machine or fan, fluff up the pillows, and snuggle under the covers. You can add any other rituals that help you know it’s time to go to sleep.

4. Don’t read. I know it’s easy to curl up under the covers with a good book, but at bedtime, reading won’t help you relax. It will keep your mind active and possibly keep you up late if you can’t put the book down.

5. Do yoga or a similar relaxing exercise before bed. Make sure it involves stretching your muscles and taking deep breaths.

6. Eat a high-carbohydrate snack like pretzels, cereal, or whole-grain crackers. Carbohydrates help you feel sleepy. They also help keep you warm, which is great on cold nights.

7. Don’t drink too many fluids before bed. Too much can cause you to wake up during the night to go to the bathroom.

8. Stop drinking caffeinated beverages four to six hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a stimulant and can keep you up late at night. You should also avoid caffeinated foods, such as chocolates, and make sure any medications you take are caffeine-free.

Hopefully these tips will help you sleep better at night. Try them out for a few weeks to see how they work. If you’re still having trouble sleeping, you may want to talk to your doctor.

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