Step 2 to get your boyfriend back: drop off his radar

There’s a song out there that goes, “How can I miss you if you won’t go?” And in the world of breakup, nothing could be truer. Nothing will make your boyfriend think of you romantically again until he misses you, and your reunion won’t happen until you can make your ex want you back. This is your ultimate goal. Once he can accomplish this, that is the exact moment his phone will ring.

As difficult as it may be, the best way to get your ex back is to not call him. You can’t contact him, email him, text him, or any of those things. No matter how small or innocent you think your message may be, what you’re really doing is letting him know that you’re still “around.” The boys love that. A man wants to know that you are still there in case he wants you back, allowing him to get on with his life and do what he wants without you. It’s only when he’s not really sure where you are or what you’re doing that he’ll finally start to wonder if maybe he shouldn’t have broken up with you in the first place.

Oh, and all those little personal belongings you left at his house? Don’t bother with them. Anything big or important that you left behind should have been taken care of when he broke up with you. Let it all be like this: after all, you will eventually try to get back together with your boyfriend anyway. Even better, there may be a point where he wants to use them as a reason to schedule a meeting with you (step 6). There is absolutely no reason to see your ex right now; and the more contact you have now, the more difficult it will be to start a new relationship with him later on. Let things flow.

Dropping your ex’s radar can be hard. If you work with him or go to school with him, you should avoid as many situations as possible where you might run into him. Incidental brushes should be dealt with by you moving quickly to do something else: don’t be rude or snooty, but don’t engage in conversation either. You want to give the general impression that you don’t really care about seeing him, and small talk with your ex is the last thing you want.

If you can avoid all physical encounters, even better. Now you have to focus on not calling, emailing or contacting your ex. Winning back a boyfriend is all about piquing her interest, and you’re never going to do that if you’re always in her ear. As he disappears from view, he’ll begin to wonder where you are, what you’re doing, and how you’ve been. As time goes on, he’ll begin to realize (and worry) that you may have moved on without him. Don’t start or encourage rumors to this effect, but don’t give them any information to make them think otherwise. In the case of a breakup, out of sight doesn’t necessarily mean out of mind, yes, even for a guy who dumped you.

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