Stiff from sitting? Try These Standing Leg Stretches

For people struggling with obesity or morbid obesity, the sedentary nature of our jobs works against us, as we spend most of our workday sitting, which allows our basal metabolic rate to drop. Not only that, but our joints become stiff and muscles weaken from lack of use. It is difficult to determine which came first: obesity or a sedentary work environment. Applied physiology experts report that many of us don’t stretch our large leg muscles often enough to counteract the daily stress of prolonged sitting or standing. I am one of those people.

Taking the time to stretch our major muscle groups throughout the day is something we can do consciously to combat the deterioration caused by sitting. Doing the following four stretches once or twice throughout the day will help us become more flexible, get more oxygen into our bloodstream making us more alert, and relieve the discomfort of stiff muscles and joints that results from prolonged sitting.

These common leg stretches are mentioned in Joan Pagano’s book “Strength Training for Women.” She instructs us to push through each stretch until a gentle pull, but no pain, is felt in the muscle. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds without rebounding, allowing the muscle to lengthen. Breathe into the stretch, using the exhalation to move deeper into the position.

Calf stretch

Stand with your feet together and place your left hand on the back of a chair for support. Take a giant step back with your right leg and press your heel into the ground. Bend left knee over ankle. Feel the stretch in the back of your calf.

Hip flexor stretch

From the previous position, rise onto the toes of your back foot, bend your back knee toward the floor, and press your lower pelvis forward. Keep your left knee directly over your ankle. Feel the stretch in the front of your right hip.

quad stretch

Stand on your left leg with a soft knee. Bend the right leg and, holding the foot or ankle, bring the heel towards the buttocks. Feel the stretch along the front of the thigh. To intensify the stretch, push your lower pelvis forward.

Hamstring stretch

Stand on your left leg, knee bent. Extend the right leg in front and rest the heel on the floor; with the tip pointing to the ceiling. Lean forward from the hips, keeping your upper body in proper alignment. Feel the stretch in the hamstrings. Turn around to perform the stretching sequence on the left leg.

If you’re on a lunchtime walking program, these stretches are a good warm-up for your mid-day hike. Warm-up exercises prepare your body for more active exercise and help prevent injury. You can also follow your walk with these stretches as a cool-down to allow your body to return to its pre-exercise state. Both warm-up and cool-down exercises are important to a good exercise program.

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