Stretch marks in adolescence: causes and how to prevent, reduce and cure them

Stretch marks in adolescents are quite common and affect both boys and girls. Although it is safe to say that girls get them more often. They mostly appear on parts of the body that store fat, such as the belly, hips, thighs, and breasts.

Although they look great with their pink or purple color at first, after a while they start to fade and end up looking pretty much like the rest of your skin, except for the lines.

Stretch marks in teenagers are not only caused by rapid changes in weight. Hormones, more specifically glucocorticoids, can also cause its appearance. This hormone increases at puberty, pregnancy, and even during weight lifting.

Genetics, skin type, and nutrition are other things that could influence the risk of stretch marks in teens. But most of the time, these are rapid bodily changes.

So now we have roughly talked about the causes of stretch marks in teenagers. Now let’s see how you can prevent them.

The best thing you can do to prevent stretch marks in adolescence or at any stage of your life is to give your body all the nutrients it needs. This will help the skin create stronger skin cells, collagen and elastin. These things strengthen the cell walls of the skin and prevent small blood vessels from breaking, which appear as stretch marks. So even if your body is growing rapidly in weird places, your skin is more likely to stretch without breaking any vessels.

It is important to eat things rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and C, and zinc. Foods like berries, fruits, eggs, fish, dark green leafy vegetables, and meat help replenish your stores of these nutrients.

Also make sure to keep your skin hydrated and drink enough water to keep it hydrated. This will give it more elasticity. If you’re not a big fan of water, have some freshly squeezed fruit juice, fruit rich in water, or try ice water and lemon.

But if you already have some marks on your skin, what do you do then?

Eating healthy foods will also help as it rebuilds your skin and helps it slowly heal. You’ll also want to use a moisturizer on your skin that’s rich in natural vitamin E, which has been shown to reduce stretch marks in scientific studies.

Things like cold-pressed jojoba oil, almond oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, and wheat germ oil are rich in vitamin E. There are also skin creams with a mix of ingredients. rich in vitamin E.

Use the moisturizer every day if you want it to work. The sooner the marks form and you start treating them, the easier it will be to get rid of them.

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