Teach your children about life with interactive and fun games for kids

There is nothing more beautiful than a child smilingIt’s like the sky opens up and God says, “You’re a good father, keep it up.” However, if we are not careful, those smiles can be few and far between, as we live in a fast-paced world and the days go by quickly.

Do you remember the Harry Chapin song?

“Cats in the Cradle”

A boy came just the other day,
He came into the world in the usual way.
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay.
He learned to walk while I was away.
And he was talking before I knew it, and as he got older,
He’d say, “I’m going to be just like you, dad.
You know I’m going to be just like you.”

We all have bills to pay, jobs that demand our time, and deadlines that were due yesterday (you have to finish this today or the world will end… believe me, planet Earth will keep turning).

No matter how busy we are, take the time to love and interact with your children. There is one thing that can never be replaced and that is time. Like the proverbial “water under the bridge” once passed, it is gone forever. Make the most of those tender years and fertile minds with some fun games for kids.

It is not so important what the game is about, it is the fact that you will spend quality time with your children; It may be one on one, possibly with a playmate, but the interaction between you and your child is priceless. One of my distant but loving memories was spending time with my dad on a summer afternoon, we weren’t doing much just throwing frisbee but to this day I remember the sun on my shoulders and the smile on Dad’s face. my father.

Fast forward to my own children, who seems addicted to video games (what’s a dad (or mom) to do)? Well remember, kids today have never known anything except video games, it’s as natural to them as lemonade on a hot summer day.

So don’t try to rip them out, instead find out what your child is interested in, then mix in some fun and suddenly the whole family will be smiling with a fun kids game. It’s not magic, just a father and his son create a bond.

Here’s the trick with video games. (this probably won’t work for teenagers, but mine are young), find a game that stimulates the mind and allows for interaction. If the game is for two and there is a playmate, this is a perfect way to teach social interaction, “Now Jimmy, play nice, he’s your friend.”

If you go to Amazon and do a search for Toys & Games, you’ll find over 466,000 results…how daunting, right? Don’t worry, it’s easy to find which ones are the best, just do a “rank by Average Customer Review” and you’ll immediately find the games that people (and kids) love. Take the time to read a few of the reviews, then choose one that will allow your kids to have fun, as well as teach their brains reasoning skills. Hmmm, maybe I should get one for myself.

Then (with your budget in mind), pull out the trusted debit card and your child’s next game will fly to your door. When it arrives (and whether it’s a surprise or not is up to you), make it an event to remember with cookies and milk, cake and ice cream, or something much healthier. The key factor is to enjoy your fun kids game, when you do, so will your own children and their friends.

time is a river flowing in one direction only; be sure to spend time with your children.

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