The 7 steps to optimize your study skills

Study skills are a subject that students around the world take very seriously. Each student has a different learning style that needs to be optimized. When you compare two students, one seems to naturally understand the importance of good study skills. Another student may face challenges because he doesn’t know where to start. Students need to focus their minds on learning something new every day. It’s easy to see why students get distracted because study skills take second place to all the technology. Students make sure their ipods and cell phones work. They offer a more convenient way to mentally escape your obligation to study.

Teachers complain about their students’ bad study habits. His students’ lack of study skills is clearly evident on the first test of the school year. Many students and parents struggle to have a good curriculum. Of course, most parents would love for their child to earn an A+ in every class. Most parents know the value of good study skills, but struggle to convince their children of its importance.

Good study skills begin with altitude in students’ attitudes. A student with good study habits realizes that it takes time to memorize information and give it personal meaning. They know that studying for 20 minutes after school will not lead to success. Students need a study guide that teaches them how to study. Students need test-taking tips that will launch them on a successful academic year. There are seven ways to optimize your study skills:

1. When reading the assigned textbook, write notes on important points.

Review your additional notes every day.

2. You can improve your memory of study skills by using 3 x 5 flashcards to review

important terms.

3. Create study skills activities that you will use every week. For example, have a weekly session where you write down important facts on a piece of paper using only your memory.

4. Start your own study skills lesson plan for each subject. Your study skills lesson plan should include test-taking ideas that you will use for each class.

5. Don’t let test anxiety invade your emotions. Reduce your test anxiety by spending more time preparing for each test. Spread your test preparation time over five days.

6. The main useful resource for study skills is your teacher or tutor. Don’t be too proud to seek help when you need it.

7. Write notes on important facts so you can review them the morning of your test. If you are involved in a math or science course, write down all the important formulas on a piece of paper and go over these formulas the morning of your next test.

Study skills as a way of life are the key to your success in school. Prepare a list of questions before going to class. If your questions are not answered during class, please meet with your teacher or send an email containing your questions. You must be proactive in using creative study skills activities that tap into your own learning style.

Lastly, stay positive and don’t let test anxiety get the better of you. Expect to succeed in every trial and you will. The belief that you are going to fail will lead you to failure. Develop a new list of study skills each day and stick to it. Implementing all of these study skills strategies will lead to a successful learning strategy and the best grades possible.

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