The elliptical-elliptical machine is not good for losing fat

If you are using an elliptical type machine for intervals then I think you are not getting the results you deserve. In my opinion, elliptical machines are one of the least effective methods of losing fat, just as bad as spinning classes (which I’ll cover in a future newsletter).

Now you might know someone who uses the elliptical all the time and is skinny. But I will be the farm that they can thank their genetics, their strength training, and their nutrition for their results. I have yet to see someone transform their physique with the elliptical trainer. In fact, when someone comes to me with a failed program, I often see them using the elliptical for their interval training. And that’s the first thing that changed.

The elliptical machine is cunning and tricks us in three ways. First of all, you can get your heart rate up very high and easily. Second, you can sweat a lot. And third, the machine tells you that you’ve burned a large number of calories (although the calorie counter is likely inaccurate, as shown in a CBS news report).

So why doesn’t the elliptical work? Because you just don’t do as much mechanical work as when you run or ride a bike. Basically, it’s just easier and less effective. Increasing your heart rate is not the key determinant of fat loss.

Your body is a well-programmed machine. It’s ‘wired’ to increase heart rate and respiration as soon as it detects movement (which is why you start wheezing after climbing a single flight of stairs – it’s not just because you’re out of shape).

The key factor in fat loss is the amount of work done. Until you learn to separate the influence of the two, you won’t be able to use intervals to the best of your ability.

As fat loss expert Alwyn Cosgrove explains, “The problem isn’t the elliptical itself, it’s just that it tends to allow/promote momentum (as most people have too low resistance) with just the weight.” So unless you build up the resistance and actually produce some force and/or MOVE your body weight, it’s nothing more than momentum. So if you’re not actively using your muscles to produce some kind of force, you’re not burning much calories”.

But even then, I still don’t believe that using a high level of resistance on the elliptical will give you the results you’re looking for. However, despite their ineffectiveness, elliptical machines and the like remain a popular training method. But that’s only because of the human condition: like flowing water, we seek the path of least resistance. We will do anything to get around the obstacles instead of doing the actual work required to overcome the obstacles. Given the choice, humans always go for the easier option.

Compare the elliptical to the Stairmaster. Stairmasters are more effective but less popular. Because? Because we’ve found something easier (the elliptical) that still gives us the comfort of sweating and an elevated heart rate (even if we don’t get the results). And now, millions of gym-goers are patting themselves on the back after rolling on the elliptical for 30 minutes and thinking they’ve been losing fat.

Training in your comfort zone is useless. Your metabolic rate will increase when your body is forced to change. The harder and smarter you train, the greater your increase in metabolic rate. That’s why you have to do things the right way (the TT way!) to lose fat. As I have always said with Turbulence Training, the key to getting results is to make your body change. That means using training techniques that require your body to change. The elliptical will not make your body change. It’s a waste of time.

So what works best? If you have my TT Reports, you know that I recommend the exercise bike. It is safe, effective and convenient. You can work on very high power outage, and that’s not an illusion. You’re doing the work (as long as you’re not spinning at very high RPMs, that’s another waste of time!).

Of course you can also use the sprint. But that comes with a few more risks, whether you’re doing it on a treadmill (risk: falls) or outdoors (risk: pulled muscles, so prepare accordingly).

Some other men’s fat loss interval options are sledding, farmer’s walk (see photo), heavy pushing, wheelbarrow hauling, and complexes. I’ll talk more about the exciting fat loss potential of lifting complexes in my future reports.

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