The German Shepherd Dog

Dogs called German Shepherds were first exhibited at exhibitions in Germany around
late 19th century, but they were hardly shepherds as we know them
today it has a rough coat, a short tail and looks quite similar to mestizos. The German
Shepherd Dog, as we know him now, didn’t really appear until after the Second World.

The breed has gained enormous popularity and is now one of the most popular.
pedigree breeds in the UK as a pet, still the favorite working breed for many
forces, especially the police, and are widely used for security purposes.

It’s a good sight to see a well-trained GSD with his handler, working well to serve.
and protect. Unfortunately one of the saddest sites is the poor GSD that used to protect
locals often chained alone in some dingy, dirty yard with a life of
imprisonment and little stimulation to look forward to.

The German Shepherd is a very intelligent beast that will show eternal devotion.
to his master, but he is a dog that needs company and stimulation to be at his best.

If you are thinking of buying a German Shepherd like
pet and you don’t
previously owned, it is important to research the breed and speak with experienced
owners so that you fully understand what you are assuming.
Indeed, GSDs make wonderful family pets, but it’s important to remember that
this is a working breed and they have certain characteristics that they can make
they are tougher than your average Retriever, Labrador, or Collie.

The characteristics of a good running GSD should be the firmness of the nerve,
attention, instability, manageability, vigilance, reliability and
incorruptibility coupled with bravery tenacity and toughness.
A German Shepherd is naturally protective and territorial, which is something he must endure.
If you have many visitors in your home, consider when careful presentation may be necessary.
necessary to assure your pet that the visitor is not a threat to your family.

This is also a breed that requires a lot of time, stimulation, training, and exercise.
you will never wear them out, they will always be ready for more. A boring, lonely
GSD can be very destructive and can cause a great deal of property damage in a
short space of time.

Perhaps some of the less endearing traits of this breed are the tendency to be very
vocal that can be a big hassle and can be a problem with the neighbors. They too
shedding plenty of hair year-round to get your vacuum cleaner to work
overtime and your clothes and furniture are unlikely to be dog-free
hairs again, just as what you are eating is invariably contaminated with that
loose hairs.

The biggest problem with the German Shepherd is the fact that for a large
just how spoiled the breed is by irresponsible breeding by inexperienced back
street breeders who do not care about preserving the breed, but only about making
money from the sale of puppies, health and temperament problems are also
common, so it is important to take the advice of an expert and try to find a reliable source
if you are thinking of buying a puppy.

Consider first facing a rescue German Shepherd dog from a reputable rescue
which should be able to give you a good evaluation of a particular dog. Remind
Also that an older GSD will be a very rewarding addition to the family and will be
home trained, does not chew, behaves well, probably requires less exercise than a youngster
dog and will be very loyal and appreciative.

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