The growing problem of poverty in Nigeria: what can we do to reduce it?

Poverty is an insidious disease that disables, depresses and ultimately kills dozens of people around the world. Those affected may be old or young, black or white or brown, rich or poor, skinny or obese. Every day more than 50,000 people die needlessly because of poverty. Nearly a billion people suffer needlessly, some of them in the midst of plenty.

Yes, gifted people can and do suffer deprivation and painful early death. My beloved country of birth Nigeria is an example. How could a nation so blessed with countless natural and human resources be so cursed that nothing works right? Every stat that should be high is low and those that should be low are high. Whether it’s about mortality, employment, crime, disease, accident, corruption, greed, human rights, you name it!

The facts are that, within the Beverly Hills of the world, you will find poverty staring you in the face, albeit obscured. Inside their mansions, some materially rich are, in Fela’s prophetic words, “suffering and smiling.” Poverty is as relative as it is universal. Depravity comes in various colors, shapes, sizes, and degrees. It is not just about money as some would mistakenly portray. How you define it, is your version of poverty.

The effects of poverty are profound both for the individual and for society, especially in Nigeria. Humanity should find an affordable cure; Until then, each person must do what they can to prevent and treat this pandemic. Personal responsibility must be called to arms. Furthermore, it is easier to steer a small boat (the individual) than it is to turn a big ship (society). So it behooves one to start with oneself.

Poverty is slavery, according to the African (Somali) adage. The Book says that the poor will always be among us. Gandhi stated that “poverty is the worst form of violence.” And Einstein said that no problem could be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it. I ask, what can be done to minimize depravity in Nigeria?

We have all heard or witnessed “rags to riches” stories. Books have been written to show us how to improve ourselves. There are roadmaps to improve ourselves, both individually and collectively. It’s never easy! Are we willing to work harder, sacrifice more, and implement better strategies to improve our lot? Or are we going to be timid and perpetuate the cycle of poverty by blaming everyone and everything but ourselves? Or are we going to put our feet down and say “enough” and break this miserable circle? “With God all things are possible”, but we have to do our part.

Eight Ways to Reduce Poverty in Nigeria – Here are eight ways to reduce poverty in Nigeria.

Education and implementation: It is important to know what to do. However, it is essential to put that knowledge into perpetual praxis.

Foster relationship with the right people: Knowing a lot of people is good, knowing the right people is even better. Be careful, that receptionist can help you more than the manager. As the saying goes, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Be prepared to “give” before you can “receive.”

Financial Planning: Start saving early and often. Small drops of savings form the mighty ocean of wealth. Create additional sources of income. Don’t risk too much or too little. Capital preservation should be paramount. Get money management skills first, then teach people you can contact. Most people are embarrassed to talk about these life skills. They fear that if they catechize about saving money, they would be labeled as “have it all or know it all.” As I wrote in a previous article, that mentality makes “money” a dirty word than sex. It shouldn’t be dirty either; both are relevant when used as intended!

Healthier Living: Make exercise and healthier living a priority in your family. Take care of what you eat and what you feed your children. A sick family member affects the lives of all members. Sedentary lifestyle kills prematurely. The healthy you is a rich you!

Family Planning: There are too many mouths and not enough to feed them. Consider having as few children as you can afford. When is enough really enough? The God who gave you children does not want you to raise them in poverty.

Era of self-sufficiency: it is prudent to help those who need it. However, each person must abide by his part of the bargain. Politicians are sounding this alarm with their code words of budget cuts and deficits. Governments cannot do everything.

Avoid the culture of poverty: Lavish funerals and excessive title rituals set wasteful precedents and should be reduced. Expensive funerals raised no Pharaoh from the dead then and they will raise no Lazarus today. It is unfortunate that even educated Nigerians are fanning the amber of waste and promoting this culture of poverty. Why not invest the resources in the living as a tribute to the deceased?

It is proactive to express your wishes about where and how you want to be buried: cremation or formal burial, internment here or in Nigeria. And save to finance your choice. Don’t let the bereaved spouse deal with the consequences for his or her family members here and in Nigeria.

Terrible governments and (yes) citizen supported corruption and other social problems have continued to plague Nigeria. Many people suffer and die in the midst of abundance. Several have been forced into exile within and outside of Nigeria. Insecurity, disease and crime abound at an alarming rate, while a few empty the collective coffers with impunity.

The end result is that everyone loses: rich and poor, rulers and subjects, sectarian victims and victimizers, the robbed and armed robbers, the kidnapped and their kidnappers, and all of us abroad. For the good of all, let’s reduce poverty, slavery today.

These words from musician John Mayer ring so true:

“Now we see everything that goes wrong

With the world and those who lead it

We feel we don’t have the means

To rise above and beat it”

So how long are we going to “keep waiting for the world to change”? Wouldn’t we rather start with the masterpiece in the mirror?

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