The history of online shopping

The Internet is a great and useful tool. With a click of our mouse we can read today’s news, play an online game and, if we wish, purchase content. But when did it all start? What is the history of online shopping and what does it mean to buy online?

Online shopping It is the process carried out by a customer to buy a service or product through the Internet. In other words, a consumer can buy products from an online store at their leisure from the comfort of their own home. This concept was first demonstrated before the World Wide Web was used with real-time transactions processed from a home television! The technology used was called Videotext and was first demonstrated in 1979 by M. Aldrick, who designed and installed systems in the UK. In 1990 T. Berners-Lee created the first WWW server and browser, and in 1995 Amazon expanded its online shopping experiences.

The history of online shopping is amazing. Gone are the days of waiting in traffic and making our way through crowded stores. All we need is a computer, a bank account, a debit or credit card and voila freedom! From books to cosmetics to clothing and accessories, to name a few, shopping online is the answer to the 21st century. Simply find the website that offers the objects of your desire, price and delivery times and in a matter of a few days your purchase is at your door. Advantages and convenience are obviously predictable, as we are offered a wider selection, competitive prices, and greater access to information regarding our purchase. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day and allow consumers to shop at their leisure without traveling and outside of normal business hours.

Another point to keep in mind is that when the Internet was first conceived, it was not with the ideal that it would change the way we shop. On the contrary, the web was created as a communication tool, which over time allowed the convenience of shopping virtually. The history of online shopping itself symbolizes the change in our society and has now become a service used by businesses and regular shoppers around the world.

Shopping online is easy, fun and secure, and for many, it has replaced shopping in the mail on Saturday afternoon. Still considered a fairly recent phenomenon, online shopping has undoubtedly made the lives of countless consumers easier and more convenient. Whether it’s a home loan, a car purchase, or a weekly grocery order, the web has forever changed our perspective on shopping.

The history of online shopping shows everyone that a good idea, an excellent presentation and the desire to offer the best to your customers can make a dream come true. Now considered tried and true, it will be interesting in the next 20 years or so to see where the History of online shopping will take us.

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