The miracles of a mother’s love

Many of us grew up in that wonderful safe environment, at home, so dear to our mothers. We experience the warmth and words of encouragement from our mother so generously showered on us, usually on a daily basis.

Whenever we cut ourselves or had a stomach ache, she was there ready to comfort us and take the pain away. A mother’s love is powerful, but is it powerful enough to heal?

I remember times when my son, then a little boy, would run to me crying.

“Mommy, my head hurts.”

I can still remember her loud screams.

“Mommy, my stomach hurts.”

I would place my hand on his head or stomach as I visualized and imagined a brilliant light flowing into and around him. With the intention of healing him or taking away his pain, I prayed that he would feel better.

I don’t remember a time when that method didn’t work. Usually, she would relax, and within a couple of minutes, with a smile on her face, she would walk away. Running to play, I often heard him yell at me,

“Thank you mommy.”

There was a time when I had to make what seemed like a close decision. My son, a baby at the time, had a high fever and my husband, in-laws and I were very worried.

I held him close to my side on my bed and gently touched his forehead. Imagining the fever turning cold and whatever was causing it to fade, I prayed.

I continued doing this for what seemed like hours. When she noticed that her fever went up to 104, my mother-in-law got angry and upset.

“You have to take him to the hospital right now.”

She screamed.

Although he was worried, he knew very well that a hospital could be a dangerous place, especially for a small baby. I have heard stories of children who received the wrong medication or developed an infection, and their condition became much worse after their stay. That was not the option he would choose.

His fever went down and we later learned that having a fever was natural, often working as a healing mechanism.

Sherry Hansen Steiger, author of ‘Miracles of a Mother’s Love,’ writes about an experience she had when her six-year-old daughter had her fingers spanked with a car door that had been closed by her babysitter. The hospital, X-rays confirmed that her son’s fingers were crushed, but after holding her hand and praying for her son, to the surprise of the doctor, the boy’s hand healed immediately.

“I asked the babysitter to join me in prayer as I placed my hand on Melissa’s crushed fingers. When the doctor returned, he was surprised to see that the girl had healed. ‘It’s a miracle,’ he exclaimed. A miracle. ” 1

There are stories of mothers who had strength beyond their imaginations as they fought to save their children from carjacking and drowning. There are even documented miracles that their love was strong enough to save their son from the gates of death.

Posted in Mail Online Health by the Foreign Service, titled “Miraculous mum brings premature baby back to life with two hours of loving hugs after he was pronounced dead.” It tells the story of little Jamie, a twin, born to Kate and David Ogg.

After being told that their premature son did not survive the birth, they handed the child over to say goodbye. Two hours later, miraculously, the baby still in her arms “began to show signs of life.” two

The healing miracles that come from a mother’s love for her children go far beyond what we know to be scientifically or medically sound. If there was a formula for a mother’s love and she could be put into a bottle, we would never have to worry about being sick.

1 Miracles of a Mother’s Love, Sherry Hansen Steiger

2 article from Miracle-premature baby-declared dead revived by mothers touch.

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