The Secret to Creating a Powerful Vision Board for Relationships and Romance

My original success story on the Vision board is about how I met and married the man of my dreams. I am absolutely sure that if I hadn’t created a Treasure Map for myself in 1991, also known as a Vision Board, Dream Board, or Goal Board, and hadn’t applied all of my mind power techniques that I enthusiastically share with all my students, I would. still being single, living in Australia and wondering why life was so unfair.

Instead, I am happily married (since 1994) living in Hawaii which is a dream destination, experiencing life and traveling beyond my dreams and passionately teaching the absolute essence of success.

How? Creating a vision board as a powerful foundation and using mind power techniques to attract and manifest the goals represented on the vision and dream boards.

I am not the only one who has attracted the right partner, many of my students have attracted loving and stable relationships, some were married 4 years ago, others recently. When you create a vision board or treasure map, the images are imprinted on the subconscious mind and the goals are turned into long-term sustainable reality, rather than short-term fleeting results.

A word of caution, when you create your board, make sure the thoughts you have about your “artwork” are supportive and you feel good looking at it. The worst thing you can do with the law of attraction is put energy into what you don’t want. If the pictures on the board don’t feel right right away, switch up the pictures and find pictures that suit your personality style and help you feel happy.

Is the life you love well represented on your Vision board?

When you look at it, can you feel excited about all the possibilities that life has in store for you? Many people put a lot of money, fancy airplanes and mansions on their boards, but in fact these images are too big a leap for some. The term quantum leap is used a lot, but how many people are really ready to take that leap? Think about what really makes you feel good about yourself, the future you want, and most importantly, would you be ready and willing to start living it today?

Are you in the photo? 

The reason my teaching is unique is that I ask people to put their own faces on the vision boards in the scenes they have chosen. This adds a fun quality and allows the mind and imagination to visualize the desired future. My first board, created in 1991, had a couple hugging and I happily cut off the head of the girl in the picture and put my smiling face in that spot. Ironically, my husband looks a lot like the male model in that photo, he’s quite strange. When the law of attraction “kicks in” and you’re ready to receive, you’ll be amazed at how literal tables can be.

Be careful what you ask for

When you are creating a vision board or dream board for the right relationship and romantic partner, be very clear about what you are putting on the board. If you have the replica version of that person, is that what you want? If you had the feel or vibe of the picture, would that be okay? Some people throw “caution to the wind” and put pictures on their board, just to see what they attract and that can be fun if you’re open. We often laugh at pictures that people get drawn to in class and then a few months later they get what’s on the board, but they say “it’s not what I meant.”

As we are co-creators with a higher source, God or some refer to power as universal intelligence, I always request that my students add an affirmation to each board they design, which I originally learned from Shakti Gawain’s book. “Creative visualization”.

“This or something better manifests for me now, for the highest good of everyone involved, thank you.”

This cosmic insurance policy is the safety net for the boards that manifest because then you can attract, either what you have requested or you can get something even better. I did it and many of my students have.

Enjoy your tables and the images you collect. Remember to be diligent with your mind and feelings and allow the journey to unfold as you begin to attract the right relationship.

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