Three Ways to Double Your Business – Read How Here!

The truth is that no one will refuse to earn more money if someone offers it to them.

Here are three great ways to help you increase your sales and make more money.

Ask and collect information

First of all, you must want to help the person who comes to you.

To get new clients, you need to know their dreams, challenges and frustrations. In fact, that is the way to present your product or service to the prospect.

How to do this? Ask questions!

Don’t try to guess, it’s a waste of time. Just ask them and be genuinely interested in their answers, which may even surprise you.

When the prospect feels that you care about him/her, they will give you more information that will help you suggest the solution that really fits their needs.

So what should you ask them? “What is your biggest challenge right now?”

“What are your most important goals for the next year?”

Remember, the key is to be genuinely interested. Ask questions, listen carefully to the answers, and keep asking.

As you show more interest in the prospect and suggest different ideas, they will feel more comfortable sharing the details with you.

When you reach out to their needs and provide solutions from a very caring place, they will feel and trust you.

ask for testimonials

One of the most powerful ways to persuade people is through written testimonials from other customers.

It’s best to get testimonials from people you know, or in your field, or celebrities.

Ask for testimonials right after you provide great service, finish a big project, or just make your customer really happy and satisfied with something.

How can women in business ask for a testimonial?

Ask your customer if they are willing to give you a written testimonial/comment about the value of your product or service.

To make that process easier and more effective for you, make sure of two things:

1. Ask questions that lead the customer to describe specific details about how the product or service benefited them.

2. Make the testimonial trustworthy by adding the customer’s full name, a photo of him, and where he’s from.

The testimonial will start with a few sentences from the customer about the benefits they received from the service and end with details about themselves, such as their name and role.

A very important key is directing the customer to talk about the results they got from your service in the last 90 days or so. Help other people feel “I want this kind of result too.”


This is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to grow your business, but most people don’t use it.

When you build a great relationship with your customer and provide great service, you can ask for referrals like this:

“Can I ask you something? Our best clients come from referrals from people just like you. Do you know people who would love to receive service like you received? Let us know so we can contact and invite them.”

These three ways are so simple and effective but many people don’t use them.

Practice them constantly and you will double your sales rate!

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