Tips to build muscle: what is the best cardiovascular exercise for your training?

When you’re putting together an exercise program for the purpose of building muscle, you’ll also need to include some form of cardiovascular exercise within that program. Of course, many people think of endless hours of jogging on a track as a form of cardiovascular exercise, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Many people think that you have to work really hard on a stair climber, elliptical, or treadmill in order to get adequate cardio. But that doesn’t have to be the case, it’s not so much about working hard as it is about working smart. Smart cardio can also be called fast steady-state cardio.

Fast steady-state cardio is a type of low-intensity cardio and involves brisk walking and is usually done on an empty stomach. They can last from 30 minutes to an hour and are usually done in the morning. This can be done on a treadmill, on the track, or somewhere else outside.

The reason it’s best to do this in the morning is because that’s when our body’s insulin levels are lowest and this is what it’s trying to protect the fat in our body and if you do it in the morning it’s much easier. fight fat without the interference of insulin.

Although there is a lot of talk about high intensity versus low intensity and burning calories, remember that this is only part of your overall training program and you should be more concerned with high intensity when lifting weights. Plus, you can lose more fat at lower intensity levels than you would at higher intensity, which can burn more calories—it’s the fat you want to deal with when it comes to cardio.

Another thing is that low intensity is much easier on the joints. When you do high intensity, like jogging, your joints are being abused immensely by the force of the jog and hitting the ground you’re running on. If you’re also starting your workout because you’re overweight, low intensity is much better because if you do high intensity you’re also putting extra weight on your joints and this will put extra stress on your joints and could cause a lot of damage. . Low intensity is not only good for your joints, but your heart will also benefit.

Just like anything new, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you’re healthy enough to do both weight lifting and cardio. You may need to start with low-intensity cardio, then move on to weights once you feel a little better.

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