Types of divination you should know

Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge by supernatural (some would say psychic) ​​means. The literal meaning of the word is “to allow the divine realm to manifest.” Throughout history, cultures have engaged in myriad methods of predicting the future, gaining knowledge and wisdom, and communicating with realms beyond the physical to gain perspective on the here and now.

Modern psychics, holy people, and fortune tellers of all kinds still use ancient and even modern divination techniques to glimpse the unseen realms. They all function in different ways to transmit information between dimensions, but what they all have in common is that they are mere tools in the same way that a telephone is a tool for transmitting communication between people in remote locations.

Tarot cards

Tarot card reading is one of the most popular and commonly used divination tools to this day and falls into a category of divination called cartomancy (fortune telling through cards). With its history in medieval Europe, tarot cards were originally a card game that evolved into a divination system. It works by reflecting the energy of the person consulting the cards. A question is asked (it should not be a yes or no question) and the reader places the cards in a particular pattern (and there are many depending on the type of reading).

Which cards appear in which position, and whether they are face up or not, determines how it will be interpreted. A good reader versed in the tarot will understand the subtlest nuances of the symbology of the images. For example, the Death card does not necessarily indicate that someone is going to die, but it will often indicate something more along the lines of personal transformation.

Astrology- There are several types of astrology.

The best known are Western astrology and Chinese astrology. The word “astrology” is derived from the Greek words “astron” (meaning star) and “logos” (study). Astrology is the study of the position of the stars and other celestial bodies at a given time and their relationship and influence on human life. Most people are familiar with astrology in the form of daily horoscopes, but there is actually much more to the study of astrology than that.

The starting point for any personal astrological reading is the birth chart. Diagram where all the most relevant celestial bodies were at the time of your birth. Your Sun sign may be the dominant energy in your life, but the location of the Moon and all the stars and planets also describe significant energy patterns that can influence your Sun sign characteristics. That’s why it’s important to have a natal chart done if you’re going to have an astrology reading, and any good astrologer will tell you that.


Also known as palmistry, the art of palm reading is one of the oldest forms of divination. There are debates as to whether or not palmistry is a divination method for fortune telling. While it is more of a technique for personality assessment, there are elements by which palm readers can predict the future. Contrary to popular opinion, palmistry involves more than just studying the lines on the palm. A palm reader also looks at things like fingernails, hair growth, and skin color and texture.

Classical palmistry has its roots in ancient Greece. The dominant hand will convey a certain set of meanings, while the non-dominant hand will convey another, and it depends on what school of palmistry you have been taught. Some of the most common elements of palm reading are the life line, the heart line, and the head line, which are the three most dominant lines on the palm of the hand.

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