Water and weight loss go hand in hand

How often have you felt sluggish and out of energy and wonder what caused that feeling?

It could be the lack of cold drinking water. According to recent research, we are a nation that is chronically dehydrated.

We just don’t replace the water we lose on a daily basis. On a daily basis, we lose at least 10 glasses of water through breathing, invisible perspiration, and urination. Most of the reports you read suggest that you should drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. At that rate, if you do a little extra exercise or are doing hard physical work, you are not even going to replace the water you lost during the day.

The good news is that if you drink about six glasses of 8 to 12 glasses of cold water every day, you can accelerate the burning of fat and increase your energy.

There are many people who do not drink more water while trying to lose weight. They fear that the water will increase their weight instead of helping them lose weight. The truth is that you need to drink water to lose water and burn those pounds. When your body needs water, it sends signals. What you may perceive as hunger could actually be your body asking for more water. The irony of this is that if you don’t drink enough water, your body will work to retain the water it does have. The ideal water and weight loss plan is to remove old fluids that will carry the toxic waste your body produces with new fluids. The new fluids will help boost your energy while helping to regulate body temperature.

“Drinking generous amounts of water is by far the number one way to avoid food cravings and reduce your appetite,” says George Blackburn, MD, associate professor at Harvard Medical School.

There are many other fluids you can drink to replace water loss. One of the favorites right now is green tea, hot or iced. To enjoy the benefits of green tea, learn how to drink it without adding a lot of sugar or sugar substitutes.

To make your drinking water more enjoyable, you can add a splash of lime, lemon, or orange.

When you use water and weight loss together, you will get the best fat burning results if you drink your ice water. The latest available reports show that the body burns calories as it heats ice water to a body temperature of 98.6F.

It’s not a lot, but losing a few calories each time you drink water is beneficial for you.

When we start a diet, the first thing we find is a long list of all the things that we must give up, to reach our goals.

Water is not on the list, in fact for best results we need to increase the amount of water we drink every day. Make it your goal to increase the amount you drink and enjoy the new found energy.

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