What Causes Man Boobs?

The chest or breasts are a defining characteristic of gender, and breasts are generally considered a female trait.
However, some men develop breasts that can be a cause for embarrassment and even embarrassment. Dr. John Flynn offers gynecomastia surgery, which may include liposuction and skin tightening to reduce the size of the breast tissue that occurs in a man and create a more masculine chest.

What is gynecomastia?
Not to be confused with enlarged, plump breasts in men due to weight gain, gynecomastia is a hormonal disorder that occurs in men of all sizes, causing inflammation of the breast tissue. Although obesity is a contributing factor to gynecomastia, medications, certain foods, herbal treatments, and body building supplements can have an impact.

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How do you know if you have gynecomastia?
Men generally have a higher testosterone level than women, who have higher estrogen levels. These hormone levels play an important role in male and female appearance, as well as reproductive functions.

Although men also naturally have breast tissue, gynecomastia is the abnormal inflammation of these tissues that create breasts similar to those of women, commonly called man boobs or even breasts.

At first, gynecomastia appears as swollen breasts with outward-pointing nipples and a more pronounced areola. As gynecomastia progresses, the shape of the breasts becomes more like female breasts.

The accumulation of fatty tissue in the chest due to obesity is called pseudogynecomastia. Although the end result is similar, in this case the breasts are due to weight gain and not a hormonal imbalance. The difference between these two conditions can only be diagnosed by a doctor. Sometimes blood tests are performed to check hormones or ultrasound to give a better diagnosis, however in most cases they are not necessary. The cosmetic solution is the same; both physical symptoms can be corrected by a surgical procedure that may include liposuction and skin tightening.

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What causes gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance where a man has more estrogen than he should. This can happen during puberty; however, this type of hormonal imbalance will likely correct itself in a short period of time and is usually not a cause for concern. However, swelling of the breast tissue is a cause for concern in adult men, as it is unlikely to correct itself without diagnosis and treatment. The most common causes of gynecomastia are obesity (which can influence hormone levels) and the use of performance enhancers and steroids that work by altering hormone levels and can do so in unexpected ways.

The causes of gynecomastia are not always as obvious as obesity and steroids. Things you use every day that you may even assume are good for you could increase your risk of developing man boobs. We’ve listed 5 things you didn’t know can cause ‘man boobs’:

Cosmetics and toiletries
Good quality toiletries made with natural ingredients and essential oils may seem like the best way to take care of yourself, however recent studies have shown that overuse of some essential oils, including lavender and tea tree oils, can increase the chances of developing gynecomastia. Although used externally, these essential oils can leak into the bloodstream and effect hormonal changes.

hair loss treatment
Testosterone is a possible cause of hair loss. Some men have hair follicles that are sensitive to the hormone and its presence inhibits them after years of exposure, leading to male pattern baldness. One of the ways to reverse this is by diluting the concentration of testosterone so that the hair follicles can thrive again. However, a side effect of this is a hormonal imbalance that could cause gynecomastia and other hormone-related complications.

testosterone treatment
Testosterone can be used as a treatment to increase energy and improve sexual performance in men. However, by increasing testosterone, you can cause your body to seek balance and convert some testosterone to estrogen. This will increase the natural level of estrogen and may temporarily cause gynecomastia. In some cases, gynecomastia does not reverse on its own and may need direct treatment.

liver disease
Gynecomastia is a symptom of advanced liver disease. When the liver fails, it produces proteins that can bind to testosterone and prevent it from working as a hormone, thus changing the hormonal balance and allowing estrogen to become dominant. This will cause gynecomastia, however this happens in the advanced stages of liver disease and will be preceded by more typical symptoms.

Untreated tumors
Testicular or pituitary tumors can affect hormone production and reduce testosterone levels in the body. This can lead to estrogen dominance and present in a variety of symptoms, including gynecomastia.

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