What is a custom pyramid box?

When it comes to custom pyramid boxes, the first thing you need to know is what a pyramid box is. Pyramid boxes, as the name implies, are special boxes that are shaped like a pyramid. These can be used as wedding favors, table settings at fancy events, etc.

Pyramid boxes, although standardized by their pyramid shapes, can be highly customized. See the following:



Labeling on the box

Material from which it is made

Brightness vs. Mate

Small windows to view the interior content

The list goes on and on

While these boxes are available from general retail stores, however, they are not as personalized as the boxes that can be found online. There are many websites available that do all kinds of customizations, so no two boxes are the same.

The first commonly customized part of a pyramid box is the material. These can be made from standard cardstock, up to corrugated cardboard. As boxes get bigger, the material they are made of tends to get stronger as there will be more and possibly heavier items inside. This includes not only the material, but also the gloss of the material. Depending on the customer’s needs, it can be glossy, matte, and everything in between. You also have to consider whether or not the customer would like the material used for the box to be smooth or textured. This would depend on the personal preference of the customer.

As there are many different styles of pyramids, there are also many different styles of pyramid boxes. These can range from almost pie-shaped to classic Egyptian pyramid style. This, again, all depends on what the client intends to put on it and their personal preferences. Depending on what they choose, this may even contain small cellophane windows in the box so that the contents that are placed in the box can be seen.

The next customizable element is the color or pattern of the box. These can be customized for just about anything. There are all kinds of colors and designs in the crafting world, and all of these can be used in pyramid boxes. This is useful as they are often part of a larger event color scheme.

Once all of this is determined, it must be decided what will be printed on the box, or whether it will have a ribbon / stinger and label, or other decorative pieces attached to the box. This also includes choosing a font style and color. This, again, will likely be tailored to fit the rest of a larger color scheme.

This is just a small sample of all the ways a pyramid box can be personalized. This is a truly versatile box that can be changed to suit almost any occasion.

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