What is the injury recovery technique?

When an area of ​​the body is injured, the brain sends signals to the body to begin the healing processes of the injured area. Specifically, there is an increase in the flow of blood, plasma and leukocytes from the blood to the injured area, which causes the inflammatory response. The nerves around the area have increased sensitivity, which is a reminder that the area is healing and should be left alone. The brain and subconscious minds are the true arbiters that decide whether an area is healed or not.

For whatever reason, sometimes the brain and subconscious mind keep mapping an area as injured, even if the tissue has healed. Many patients will undergo diagnostic tests, such as MRIs and X-rays, and will test negative for any abnormalities or injuries. The brain and subconscious mind’s failure to calculate that an area is really okay may be the reason for some of these negative diagnostic findings. The brain can still send signals to the injured area to keep pain receptors and sensory nerve endings active, even though the area is actually better.

The injury recovery technique is a simple but very effective tool that allows the brain to receive the message that the injury has been removed. It allows the body to fully heal a previously injured area and fully restore its normal function. The injury recovery technique may involve movement of the talus bone, which is part of the ankle. The ankle has many proprioceptive nerve endings. Proprioceptive nerve endings transmit information to the brain about where the joints are in relation to the space around the joint.

It is an important mechanism for balance, how we walk and how we interact with the space around us. IRT (Injury Recovery Technique) may also involve head movement in extension and flexion, or a visualization technique, which tricks the brain into changing its long-standing patterns. IRT is a great technique that is relatively simple to perform and has long-lasting and permanent effects on the body.

A case study

Carolyn had had neck pain for 16 years, after a car accident in which her head hit the steering wheel. He had tried physical therapy, drugs, and had been to many other chiropractors, but indicated that the pain would always return and would never completely go away. He indicated that in certain moments of severe stress, his pain would be worse. An in-depth applied kinesiological analysis of his body revealed that his brain was still in a chronic loop of neck injuries. The brain could not neurologically connect the points that the injury should heal completely.

I did the injury recovery technique on it three times, and also did neurolymphatic reflex work, neurovascular reflex point work, and specific soft adjustments to its entire structure.

Carolyn reported noticeable improvement over a six-week period, at which point she had to move to Florida for a new job. Three and a half years later, he recommended his old Pilates instructor to me. I asked her Pilates instructor how Carolyn was doing and she said Carolyn was doing great. Carolyn had not had any neck pain since her last visit with me three and a half years ago. He said that he finally had the long-term relief he had hoped for. His faulty neurological response was corrected with the injury recovery technique, allowing his neck to heal completely. Carolyn quit her job and is training to become a yoga instructor, something she couldn’t have dreamed of having chronic neck pain.

The Injury Recovery Technique allows my patients to hold their adjustments longer, heal chronic injuries, and allows far fewer treatments to be needed to heal injuries. This technique helps with ongoing joint pain, balance problems, poor posture, improved athletic performance, and the resolution of many musculoskeletal problems in the body.

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