What you need to know before watching another superhero movie

Watching a movie, whether it’s in the middle of the week or at the end of the week, is a great way to relax and unwind with friends, family, or other important people. In the past, a good classic action or horror movie was a rarity that attracted only the most adventurous viewers. Now, countless films are released in all genres and sub-genres with varying degrees of success that push the limits of all facets of filmmaking. However, comic book-based movies have exploded over the past decade and their loyal fans continue to be rewarded with incredible storylines and spiraling side movies that require some homework. Read this before watching another superhero movie.

  1. Read your comics

Comic-based movies require an understanding of some preset content that is not always guaranteed to be explained in the cinematic versions. Most directors of these types of films choose to incorporate some expository dialogue, but many do not. As a result, some viewers, simply immersing themselves in a movie, may be terribly confused or need to see prior updates before watching a movie. However, with a basic understanding of the characters, the experience can become much more enjoyable.

  1. Old and new combine

These movies aren’t just regurgitating old stories from their comic book counterparts. Often times a comic book-based movie is pushing boundaries to redefine the characters and make the fight or themes relevant to the era. Many of the comics were created in the 80s and 90s and require a few updates to make them feel fresh and relevant again. Knowing how these heroes have changed or adapted to the modern age is part of the fun! It can be a bit confusing, but learning about the history of these heroes and their roles makes the movies that much more engaging and thought-provoking.

  1. social justice

While the heroes of our comic book movies are fighting villains and pushing for social justice from within their universe, the directors and actors who play these roles are doing the same through the plots, themes, and choices. of performance. Watching these movies isn’t just about mindless action and adventure. Topics explored can range from civil rights, racism, privacy law, authoritarianism, democracy, violence, loyalty, and more. Don’t be fooled by the way these movies are marketed. Beneath all the adventure are hours of deep and thought-provoking conversation.

Keep these things in mind before you decide to go see that new release that everyone has been excited about.

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